𝑆 𝑒 𝑣 𝑒 𝑛

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Sorry for the delay, homegirl has been busy with school, sports and etc.

Jacob's POV
After I and Bella kissed, I went to wake up Jared so we can head down the mountain, I saw them cuddling. My blood was boiling and I just wanted to rip Jared away from her, but I need to focus on the task at hand.

"Jared! Wake up, Seth is coming to take over for us. We need to head down, we're behind schedule." I dragged him outside so the snow could make him home up faster.

"Okay. Okay, I'm up. Let me make sure y/n has a blanket on her."

"I already put one on her. Let's go now." We morphed and I looked towards Edward who was staying in between both of the tents.

"Edward, if I see a scratch on her or she tells me you tried something, I'll kill you."

"And, who are you talking about? Y/n or Bella?" He had this smug look like he finally won Bella for himself.

"Both of them, leech." We ran towards the clearing and I saw the Cullens already there.

"Now that you two are here, we agreed you guys will hide in the woods. When they get closer, you'll ambush them." Carlisle explained and we head to our spots.

Guys, I'm here but I only see Bella and Edward. Seth commented

Y/n is probably still sleeping. Just watch over her. Jacob commanded the youngster.

Seth, make sure she not freezing to death. Leah worriedly said.

Guy! Focus. The other cold ones are here. Seth is on guard. Sam used his alpha voice, which made them all listen.

I woke up to the snow crush under someone. I creeped out to see Seth in his wolf form.  "Hey kid, are you here to protect me?" I teased him but I bet he would've been blushing if he was in his human form.

Good morning, y/n. I hope you aren't cold.

"I'm not but thank you for checking. So when do we head down?" I walked closer to Seth so I can stroke his fur.

They said they'll give me a heads-up. From the corner of my eyes, I see Bella and Edward arguing.

"Well, sorry to break this reunion up but I still have a score to settle with you, Edward." Victoria sped towards Edward only to get tackled by Seth. Seth was then thrown by this random person, knocking Seth out.

As I tried to rush to Seth's side, Edward pushed me behind him with Bella, who was shaking like a bartender shakes a cocktail.

"Riley. Grab the girls, I'll deal with Edward." The guy, whose name is Riley came towards us but was thrown by Edward. Edward was then pinned to the ground by Victoria.

"Run, Isabella. I'm going to help fight." I pushed her towards the opposite direction of the fight only for her to stand and watch.

"Don't tell me what to do. You can't do anything against vampires." She threw a snowball at my head, only pissing me off more.

Before I could say anything, I was grabbed by my neck. I came across Riley's red eyes with a huge smile on his face.

"You're really pretty. Too bad I have to kill you unless you want to be mine. Forever."

It gave me goosebumps, I finally broke out of his hold and kicked him backward. He charged at me, so I created a small bump, making him trip. I jumped onto his back and started pulling at his head.

"Victoria, help me. Victoria!?" That was his last sentence as his head was torn off.

As Victoria's head comes off because Bella distracted her, I suddenly got a vision. It was of Jacob getting hurt, protecting Leah. I ran down the mountain, hoping to get there before anyone got hurt.

Third-person POV
Everyone was setting the bodies on fire, when a new born came into view. Leah saw him and charged at him. The wolf boys saw another newborn ready to attack.

Jacob was the first to reach Leah but he didn't have enough time to defend himself. Y/n saw the same see playing out and ran faster. Everyone froze and they heard bones crack and glass break. They saw y/n rip the head and is now cradling a screaming Jacob.

Without thinking, y/n kissed Jacob to keep his mind busy. As others thought she did it to shut him up, she was taking all his pain but she felt the pain. Once they broke away from each other, everyone surrounded the two.

"Sam, take him back to Billy's house. I took the majority of his pain so you guys can move him easily." Sam nod his head and all the wolf boys except for Paul, headed with him to make sure Jacob was alright.

"Y/n, you should head out befo-" "Its too late. They're already here." The Cullens stood protectively near y/n, incase Volturis plan on attacking. Paul transformed and stay hidden until he felt y/n was being threatened or endanger.

"We came to help put a stop to the newborns but it seems you've handle it." That's when the two girls were being pushed towards the group by Alec.

"It seems you've missed two." Jane used her power on them causing them to scream in pain.

Y/n couldn't stand the scream anymore and moved forward. "Stop it, Jane. You don't have to kill them. They were brainwashed into being here."

"If it isn't the goddess herself, y/n. How I truly do miss your presence." Demetri winked at y/n as Jane stopped and tried to use it on her.

"I see you still have that shield on." Y/n was now crouched down next to the two girls, ignoring Jane.

She's so hot when she ignores me.

"Go towards that family over there. They'll take care of you." They were hesitant but ended up listening.

"You could've prevented this whole mess. Why didn't you intervened?" Y/n stared at each one of them till she linked with Alec's eyes.

"Hello, Wifey. I hasn't seen you in 6 months, I thought you didn't love me anymore." Alec and y/n used to date until she walked in on Alec and Heidi, who was y/n's other best friend, getting it on.

"Don't call me that, you Justin Bieber wannabe doll. I could never love you after what you did. Anyways, now that you're done, you can head to Italy and never come back." As she walks towards the family, Felix grabs her arm to stop her.

"Return to Italy with us. I'm sure our kings will be excited to see you again." Without turning around, y/n laughed and claimed, "If that two-face byatch is still there then no way in hell I'm coming near that place. Nice seeing you all except for that walking disaster, but I have somewhere to be."

Paul growled at the Volturi group as y/n climbed onto his back and sprint all the way to Jake's house with tears in her eyes. Stupid asshole. I told myself I would've cry over that bag of depressed air.

Right now, I need to help Jacob heal. I could've stopped it if I was faster. It's my fault for not being there. That's what I get for blowing training off. Y/n could only think negatively about herself as she felt responsible.

Y/n. I don't know what happened but I want you to know, I will always protect you. Hell, it's a free fight if the bat tries something terrible towards you. Paul thought, knowing y/n read his mind.

"Thank you, hothead." Kissing his head, causing him to run even faster.

R̶a̶r̶e̶ B̶r̶e̶e̶d̶ (Twilight x reader)Where stories live. Discover now