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Im going into the chapters and rewriting some of them as I realized they are all over the place. Also I LOVE TO THANK YOU ALL FOR ENJOYING MY STORY AND VOTING. Merry Christmas 🎄💜.

P.S. Who doesn't like a little yandere mix into the story;).

Love, Dorothy <3

Sam's POV
The sun was seeping in from my window. I got up to close the curtains, as y/n hasn't had a pleasant sleep last time. She so stunning. It's taking every bit of me to not mark her as mine. Maybe I could take her somewhere far, away from everyone.

"Sam? Dude, are you home?" I can hear Paul calling for me. I head downstairs and see the whole pack there.

"Why aren't you guys with Jacob?" I want to be with y/n, by myself.

"Well, the leech lover is over there right now and we heard y/n is here. Where is she?" Jared was looking through my pantry but I was getting irritated with them.

"She's in my room. She just fell asleep so everyone get out." I saw Leah jump up and glared my way.

"What did you do to her?" I ignored her.

"Sam, don't play games with me. What did you do? Why were you sleeping in the same room?" Leah kept pressing at it, and I can feel myself shake.

I used my Alpha voice. "One. I didn't do anything to her, beside comfort her. Second. It's my room, so I should be able to sleep in it. Third of all, What are you going to do about it?"

"Uumm, Sam why were you comforting her? Did she have a nightmare?" I looked over to Seth shaking, but it was out of anger. Wow, he finally grew some backbones. I calmed down a bit and explained what I witnessed.

Third person POV
As the pack was discussing what they should do, y/n walked in. "Good morning, pups." She grabbed a glass of water and saw everyone watching her with concern.

"Did I miss something?"

Paul walked over to y/n and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Sam just explained what happened last night. Who's coming for you? Y'know we can protect you." Y/n tensed at the mention of last night and it didn't go unnoticed.

"Well, I'll explain it when I get all the information. I need a ride back to Forks, there's someone I think who knows what's going on."

"I'll take you, y/n. Everyone else was about to head to Jacob's." Paul have a toothy smile and grabbed her hand, while everyone darted daggers at him.

As Paul and y/n pulled up to the Swan's house, they see Charlie's cruiser. "Thanks, Paul." She sees Charlie, and he looked conflicted with something.

"Charlie, we need to talk." It seems Charlie can sense what's going on a sigh with a nod.

"What exactly am I? Or who is my parents?" Charlie stayed quiet trying to form a sentence without sounding crazy. Y/n wasn't liking the silence as it was eating at her.

"Well I already look crazy so might as well join the damn party." Y/n was seeing spots of red and energy started emitted from her body.

"Let's go outside, so you can calm down before I tell you everything." They headed towards the back, and Bella saw them from the front yard, so she followed.

"Are you calm? Bc what I'm going to tell you will change the way you think of your biological family." Y/n punched the tree, leaving it slanted and the nod she was ready for the news.

"As you know, you're adopted. I am your human guardian angel, I guess you can say. Your mother is Nyx, goddess of Darkness, but she goes by Megan. Your father is a Crocotta, who's name is Jeremiah. That's where you get your powers and some mutated which caused you to have bonus."

Y/n stood there shocked with what she heard.

"Can I continue?" Y/n nods her head.

"You see, when you were born, the Graeae visited you and read your future. They basically said you will bring either light or darkness to Olympus." Then they heard rustling, and saw Bella trying to hide behind the trees.

"Get out here Isabella before I kick you to Russia." Y/n shouted and Bella stood across from both of them.

"You're a m-m-monster and you knew she was.."

"Well, technically I am a demi-goddess." Charlie watched the interaction and finally stepped in before it could get worse.

"Bella stopped with the whining. As I was saying, Hermes delivered a message to your mother that the others gods, specifically Ares, were coming to kill you before you have the chance to mature. It didn't help that Ares was in love with your mother."

"What does that have to do with what's going on now?" Y/n didn't need a history lesson and wanted to know why she is being chased.

"Well, your parents brought you down to Earth, and when gods are in their Human form for a while. They are able to get hurt and die here." Charlie started to fiddle with his fingers.

"When Ares found out that you guys were on Earth, and send people to kill you. Your parents met a witch and they casted a spell that once you're aware of the supernatural life, then your powers will come back. You parents led Ares's men away and left you with me."

"So basically, a psycho god who has a crush on my mom is after me to kill me. And, my parents are alive somewhere. Did I cover everything?"

Charlie wryly laughed, "That's one way to put it. I just glad you were able to go to that school for the gifted in Italy."

"Wait. You knew?"

"You didn't think I would find out? One of the teachers there owe, so I had them keep tabs on you." They continued to talk leaving out Bella, who was getting tired of me ignored.

"DAD. I mean since you know about the supernatural, I need to tell you something. The Cullens are Vampires and the whole Quileutae tribe are shapeshifters. And, I'm going to become a vampire too." Bella seemed happy with her father knowing but he seemed sad.

"Bella, that wasn't your secret to say. I know the supernatural rules and know if they trusted you with knowledge of their existence. You can't tell anyone, whether they are family or not. I'm so disappointed in you, Isabella." Charlie walked away leaving y/n and Bella.

"He knows about the supernatural and he's mad that I broke a stupid rule." Y/n grabbed Bella by the throat and held her against the tree.

"Like he said, that wasn't your secret to spill. And, if you bring any more trouble to Forks. I will personally sign you into an asylum. Got it?"

Bella struggled but nod her head. Y/n let go and smiled at the gasping Bella. "Let's go eat."

R̶a̶r̶e̶ B̶r̶e̶e̶d̶ (Twilight x reader)Where stories live. Discover now