chapter 8

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Repair boi added people to the group chat.

Repair boi
Prepare for chaos.

Old man.

Did they see it yet?

Did Who see what?
And what is this group chat

Repair boi.
These are the peeps ghost king is texting.
Everyone, this is water boi, or aquaman.

Water boi.
So these are the pedos.

We are not pedos..

Exactly what a pedo would say.
And oh hey
I'm shoelace.

Old man.
Shoelace as In ghost king's boyfriend?

Ohh ghost king has a boyfriend?

Yes he has a boyfriend
A very aggressive boyfriend
So if you hurt him, I'll personally see to it that you will never see your kneecaps again.

These mortals are starting to grow on me.

What did you just call us?
And hey I'm wise girl.

Point break
I don't know why he called you that.
Must be autocorrect.

Wise girl.
How does that work?

Who are you?

Ghost king.
^that is sparky.
And sparky, leave it we all have secrets.

┐( ∵ )┌

I'm kultz.

Water boi
Better known as Chinese Canadian baby man.



That's my girlfriend, pipes.

I'm miss metal detector.

Old man.
Oh my god how many friends do you have.

Repair boi
Don't be jealous that I have more friends than you..

We actually have a lot more friends, we just didn't want to overwhelm you.

Repair boi.
Whatevs dinosaurs..

What's this..

Water boi.
Oh say hi, tree girl.
To the pedos, this is pinecone face.

Pinecone face
Oh great, more annoying boys.

What the heck?
It's like 3 in the morning.
Don't you kids sleep?

Wise girl
We are not kids.
And  we try not to sleep.

Yeah, nightmares are the worst..

Ghost king
But if we don't sleep we don't get nightmares.
It's a win-win actually.

You guys are young,ig
So why are you getting nightmares?

Green doc

Repair boi
What's that?


Pinecone face
Oh yeah

Water boi
We got a shitload of that.

Old man.
Oh I'm sorry.
Ghost king told me that he doesn't have parents.

Oh my god Tony.
That's so insensitive.

Wise girl
So old man's name is Tony huh?
And ghost king has a father, he's just not really uhh attentive.

Most of us only have one parent.

Repair boi
One of them always dies, abandons us, or they are so bad that we run away.

Ghost king
Everyone except Percy.

Water boi.
Yeah, my mom is the best.

his dad is def a better parent than mine

Water boi.
You better not let him hear that.
I would hate to die before I eat blue pizza.

Old man?
Blue pizza??
Is that even a thing??
And why blue??
Honestly sometimes it feels like teenagers are a whole another species.

Pinecone face
We could be yk?

I figured out how to do the face thing.

Old man
Took you long enough.

So that was the "very important thing that needed immediate attention" you and peter were doing...

ಠ ل͟

I'm sorry for the shitty childhood.
I have children and I can't even imagine them growing up alone.

Water boi
Yeah.. we have a pretty dysfunctional family.

Repair boi.
Understatement of the century

Plus, we are not alone, we have each other.

A/N : ahh I'm so sorry for the late update, school has been so crazy and i had a pretty crappy couple of weeks.
Also, I feel like the chapter was a bit confusing and I'm sorry for that.
Anyway I hope you liked the chapter.
Thank you for all the comments and reads!!
Stay hydrated and spread chaos <3

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