chapter - 20 (II)

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~clint pov~

Clint was sleeping. Or atleast, he was trying to. It was proving to be impossible with Steve talking in his sleep, the rock music Bucky was blasting so that he doesn't fall asleep, and kate talking about the same thing over and over. Clint didn't blame her, though. Anybody would be repeating things senselessly if they were surviving on coffee, and just about .5 hours of sleep.
Clint was surprised she hadn't exploded yet.
He took out his hearing aid, replacing it with a noise cancelling earphone, which managed to block out some of the disturbance.
He was just about to fall asleep, when something so monstrous made him jump, something that even his earphones couldn't muffle out. Something that made kate go silent.
Cpr by cupcake, blasted on high volume, the song literally stabbing his  ears so painfully, that he hoped god to smite him on spot, so he wouldn't have to hear the rest of it.
Okay, maybe that was a bit dramatic. But still.
And then Clint jumped again, as a loud beeping alarm went off somewhere, possibly the same place the song was playing at.
This prompted Steve, who was still asleep, to wake up muttering a string of curse words. How he managed to sleep at the first place, Clint would never know.
"Did you just curse?" Bucky asked Steve, grinning wildly.
"Oh shut up." Steve said, his face slightly red.
Bucky immediately stopped grinning, when a car zoomed past us.
It was going really fast, with its windows down, red lights going on and off, with an alarm going off and the song playing. Inevitably, the car crashed into a tree, and Clint realised that it's occupants were three screaming teenagers.
Steve, Bucky, Clint and kate scrambled out of the car.
"What the-'

~half-bloods' pov~

"hi" Leo said, flashing the people a grin. "What can I do for you?" He said, as if he didn't just crash a car.
"Uh,hi" a blonde man said.
"Oh my god, can anyone stop that song?" Another man who got out of the car said.
"How is it even still playing?" A girl with a bow and arrow said, taking a look at state of the car.
"What? It's a good song." Said leo
Piper face palmed. "no it isn't" she said, "and the song is still playing because it's stuck"
The man with the metal arm striked the car with his fist, and the red lights, the beeping sound, and the song all collectively stopped.
"Oh,wow" the girl muttered.
"Oh,wow indeed" Leo agreed.
"I think you should get out of the car." The blonde man said.
"So what happened"  he said , as soon as the trio got out.
"We were driving, and he," Jason said, giving leo a pointed look "pressed a random button, and all this happened" he waved his hand at the general direction of the car.
"Do you need a ride?" The man who had insulted the song said.
"We don't really know you" said Piper "how do we know you aren't psychopaths?"
"I'm Kate,and this is Clint" the girl - kate - said, and the man who insulted the song - clint- waved,yawning.
"I'm Bucky" the guy with the metal arm said.
" And I'm Steve" said the blonde man "and we are not psychopaths. We are nice people"
Leo, Jason, and Piper looked at each other.
Leo shrugged. "Seems legit let's go"

~nobody's pov :) ~

"So where are you off to?" Bucky aske as he buckled up.
"To (insert park name), please" said Piper.
"My friend's throwing a party there" leo excitedly said "his mother is pregnant with a baby girl and she kicked for the first time"
"Hey, that's great!" Said Steve.
There was an awkward silence, in which Clint tried to sleep.
After a while Steve fell asleep again. And kate too somehow fell asleep, much to Clint's astonishment. He was really Close to finally falling asleep,when leo, once again woke him up.
"I'm leo by the way and this is jason and Piper"
Bucky nodded, and the car slipped into silence again.
A loong ride of awkward silence later, they reached the park, and leo, Piper and Jason was about to get off, when another car pulled up behind them.
"Isn't that annabeth?" Piper asked, as a blonde girl got out of the car behind them.
"You know annabeth?" Clint, who just woke up, asked them. He had heard about, and seen, the new intern Tony had hired two weeks ago. Pepper and Tony had talked highly of the kid, but Clint had never actually talked to her.
"You know annabeth?" Jason asked, eyes narrowed,suddenly very suspicious.
"Is that Tony?" Bucky asked as he saw who the person dropping off annabeth was.
It was, infact, Tony.
Tony put his head out through his window, and called out, "barnes, is that you?"

A/N: hey everyone! This chapter is split into two parts cuz Wattpad was acting up and not letting me post it as one. And sorry it took so long, life got me busy :( This chapter was a bit chaotic, but the art reflects the artist, amaright? The next few chapters are gonna be focused on the demigods cuz i had a kinda cool (if I do say so myself) idea. It's supposed to keep this going while I try to find a plot. But for now, I'm going with ~vibes~ :)
Hope y'all liked the chapter, pls point out all the mistakes. Thank you for reading <33

P.S : you better go drink some water right now or I swear to god that I will find you and [redacted]


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