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-Emotional abuse (whole chapter)
-Anger issues

Clay's POV

Fifteen minutes before dinner, I calculated all my carbs and injected the units of insulin I needed for it. I went downstairs when my mother called me and sat down at the table as I felt the colour disappear from my face.

'You said we were eating beans, potatoes and meat,' I muttered as I looked at the pasta in front of me. 'You know that I can't have pasta.'

'Too bad for you. You either eat pasta or nothing.'

'But I have diabetes, you can't just give me random meals. You know I have to calculate everything. Now I didn't inject the right amount of insulin.'

'Who cares. Just deal with that blood sugar of yours and don't complain. Everyone's blood sugar is low sometimes.'

'I got diagnosed with diabetes which is something completely different. Do you have any other food at home?'

'I don't.'

'Why did you tell me we were going to eat that then?' I muttered. 'Is it so hard to just tell me what we are going to eat?'

'I don't feel like planning it out.'

My dad walked closer to me now and grabbed my plate. 'Fine, Clay. If you want to complain so much, no food for you.'

'But I already took my insulin, I need food or my blood sugar is going to drop drastically.'

'Too bad for you, you are the one complaining so I don't want you here at dinner either. Just go to your room because I'm so sick of you. I don't want to see you anymore.'

'But I need food,' I whispered. 'I injected my insulin already. Can I cook myself something?'

'No, you're staying with your dirty fingers off everything in the kitchen. Go to your room.'


'Clay, I'm not saying it again. Go to your room or I'll kick you to your room.'

'But I have diabetes,' I whispered with a voice crack. I felt tears coming up in my eyes as I was deeply hurt by what they were doing.

'You use that stupid diabetes as an excuse for everything. You're seeking so much attention.'

'How-.' I got cut off and pushed to the stairs.

'To your room, I don't want to see you come out of it before tomorrow morning.'

I walked up the stairs as a tear rolled down my cheek. I went into my room and looked in my bag to find something I could eat with the same amount of carbs I needed, but I didn't see anything I could use. I only had my drinks with sugar and my glucose tablets.

I was just hoping my blood sugar wouldn't drop dramatically, but I knew it was going to. I just sat on my bed, feeling really hungry as my hands started shaking.

I waited for another five minutes, but immediately noticed my blood sugar was dropping. I walked to my desk, grabbing something to prick my finger with. Next to injecting insulin all day, I also constantly had to check on my blood sugar.

Since I had to do this a lot, I just left to go to the toilet at school to check on my blood sugar and go back to class after that.

I pricked my finger, waited a little for the result to pop up. It took a bit for the 3,4 to pop up and I walked to my bag, taking three of my glucose tablets.

I was really mad at my parents, but I was so hurt this time that I just started crying out of anger. They were having a nice meal together and I was just here in my room, struggling so much with my stupid blood sugar.

I laid down in my bed and curled myself up like a ball as I had tears streaming down my face. I really wanted a normal life, I didn't want these stupid parents and this disease.

I got really mad and grabbed my bag, throwing it through my room. 'I HATE YOU,' I screamed to my parents. 'I CAN'T HELP THAT I HAVE DIABETES. YOU'RE SUCH MESSED UP ASSHOLES.'

The downstairs door opened and I heard loud and quick footsteps run up the stairs. My dad ran in and pushed me against the wall.

'What did you say, dumbass?'

'YOU'RE SO UNFAIR AND MEAN,' I screamed as I pushed him away from me. 'I HATE YOU.'

I got pushed to the ground and started shaking because of anger.

My dad held me by my shoulders and squeezed them tightly. 'You're just an attention seeker. "I'm diabetic" is your excuse for everything. You complain so much, being diabetic isn't even bad at all, there are people with so much worse things than you have.'

'SHUT UP,' I screamed. I pushed him away again and stood up, biting the inside of my cheek until blood filled my mouth. I was so angry that I had to keep myself from punching my dad in the face. 'Leave me alone.'

'Don't you dare scream at us again then.'

'You're supposed to be here for your kid who is struggling a lot in life. I have had to do everything alone since I found out I had diabetes, you've never helped me in the slightest.'

'Because I don't care enough about you.'


'We wanted a girl, not a diabetic son.'

I started stamping my feet on the ground as I squeezed my hands to fists, shaking with my whole body. 'LEAVE ME ALONE.'

My dad pushed me again and then left me alone in my room. I started crying because of how angry I was again and started hitting my pillow to get my anger out.

I hated my life more than anything and I wanted to be gone from my parents as quickly as I could. I had always wished to have an insulin pump so I didn't constantly have to do everything myself, but no. I wasn't allowed to get one, because my parents were dickheads.

I ended up laying down in my bed and fell asleep with tears rolling down my face.

1027 words

Clay's parents emotionally abuse Clay for having diabetes and don't help him by giving him no or different food than they said they would. Clay throws a tantrum.

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