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-(Emotional) abuse

Clay's POV

I was happy when I went back home after spending the afternoon with George. I was really happy that he said yes to me to go to prom and I wanted to make it more official by asking him in a more special way.

I was just going to look up some more ideas once I got home. I wanted George to feel special and loved by me and I would do everything to make him feel like that.

I entered my place after walking for ten to twenty minutes and saw my parents standing in front of the door like they were waiting for me. I ignored them, but my dad grabbed my shoulder to keep me from walking upstairs.


'Where were you?'

'I was at a friend's house, now leave me alone.'

I walked past them and went upstairs to my room to google some ways to ask a boy to prom. Since I was actually falling in love with George, I would have really loved for him to be my boyfriend I and looked up how to make a boy fall in love with you.

Most people would have thought I was just a child for looking that up, but I just really liked him and I wanted to spend my life with him. I wanted him to be happy and feel special when he was near me. Because he was special to me, very special.

I was looking at several sites for minutes as my door opened. I immediately clicked my google tab away and turned around to see my dad standing in my room. My heart started pounding faster and I awkwardly turned back to my PC. My dad didn't leave it like that and lifted me up, basically pushing me away to look at my PC.

TW homophobia

'So let me see what you've been looking at.'

'NO, I deserve privacy. Go away, leave my room,' I yelled out, feeling my face get red.

'Too bad for you,' my dad said as he went to my search history. I didn't have a chance to delete it yet and he saw all the search results I looked at.

'Leave, please,' I whispered.

My dad turned around with a furious look on his face as soon as he saw all my history.

'You want to make a BOY fall in love with you?'

'Stop, go away.'

I got grabbed by my shoulders and pushed down on my bed. 'You already were such a disappointment and you're also gay? I don't want to see you anymore.'

TW over

My dad walked away and left me in my room for the rest of the evening. I didn't get to eat any food so ended up taking glucose tablets and a drink with a lot of sugar while I cried my eyes out. They didn't talk to me anymore, I was glad about that. At least they didn't bring my history back up.

TW (emotional) abuse/homophobia

Though, that changed the next morning as I went downstairs for breakfast after injected insulin. Everything escalated even more than I ever thought it would. My mum grabbed my bag and started looking through it, grabbing my glucose tablets, my drinks and insulin.

'I don't want a diabetic child anymore, so you're just going to learn how to live without this stuff. You're just getting used to insulin while you can easily live without it.'

'No, give those back. I'm going to get a way too low or high blood sugar like this,' I yelled as I tried to grab the stuff again.

'So? Just eat something and it's fine again. You're just like everyone else.'

'No-,' I started, but I got pushed to the door.

'You're either leaving my house or you're going to prove to us you can be a good kid. That also means NO boys. You're such a disappointment and you're going to fix that before talking to me again.'


'If you dare to go against what I'm telling you, I never want to see you again,' my mother screamed at me.

'Please give me the stuff for diabetes back, I really need it.'

'You're not getting it back.'

'But I will die without, is that what you want?'

'As long as you're a dumb, diabetic, gay guy. Yeah, I want you to die.'

'I'm not gay,' I whispered.

'Oh, but you're just trying to make a guy fall in love with you?' my dad added in whilst screaming loudly.

'I just like him,' I muttered as I bit my lip to hide my tears. 'Can I please have my stuff back? Please?'

'No, leave my house,' my dad screamed as he pushed me again.

'But I need it,' I muttered, crawling back up.

'You choose to be gay and diabetic, then you can also choose to be straight and normal.'

'I didn't choose for either of those,' I whispered, feeling a tear roll down my face. I couldn't stay strong for any longer now.

'Actually, I'm going to bring you to school so you're not going to someone's house to eat.'

'But I need food, you can't starve me. Even if I wouldn't have diabetes, you can't starve me.'

'Then you could have been a good kid and made us happy.'

'What have I done wrong?' I asked with a voice crack. 'I just-.'

'You're gay and you always annoy us with that stupid diabetes of yours. I want to eat whatever I want and not cook something else for you all the time. I'm sick of your bullshit and your dumb diabetes, you're just exaggerating and I'm done with it now.'


'Grab your bag, we are going to school,' my mum said, putting all the stuff down on the kitchen counter.

I wanted to grab it, but my dad grabbed my arm strongly, dragging me to my mother's car.

'If you come back without having thought about your choices, you'll never come back into our house again. Which means you're just going to eat normally and look for a girlfriend.'


'In!' my mother yelled as she pushed me into the car.

While crying my eyes out, I got brought to school. I grabbed my phone after that to text George as quickly as possible.

1054 words

Clay's stuff for diabetes gets stolen, he stolen get food and then get pushed into the car to go to school.

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