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-Really low blood sugar (passing out)

Clay's POV

As soon as I arrived at school, I texted and called George five times as I was sitting outside of the school whilst breathing quickly. I didn't feel well at all, but I couldn't stand up anymore to ask for help from someone else. Eventually I gave up calling since George was probably still asleep and I tried to stay calm as I started shaking a lot.

I grabbed my bag and started looking through it to find something I could take, but I only found the thing to prick my finger with and test my blood sugar. I had no food, no glucose tablets, no insulin.

Since I didn't have a normal meal yesterday evening either, I started feeling even worse since I didn't eat this morning too. I also injected my insulin which caused my blood sugar to drop even more, definitely without any food on top of that.

I noticed my whole skin getting clammy and I started sweating a lot as my heartbeat went faster with every second. I knew my blood sugar was way too low and my head started hurting as my whole body was shaking and I felt lightheaded.

I grabbed my phone again, calling George another time, but he didn't pick up the phone. I could call Sapnap, but they wouldn't have any idea of what to do and how to get here so I ended up laying down, curled up like a ball.

I started feeling worse and worse and after ten minutes, I started feeling really tired and anxious, but irritated at the same time. I had extreme hunger and started crying out of misery while hitting my fist against the bench I was laying down on. I was getting very angry, but I was too tired to actually get angry.

It genuinely felt like I was dying and I grabbed the thing to prick my finger with. I was too shaky to prick my finger and grabbed my phone again. 'Please, George. Pick up,' I whispered to myself. 'Please. I need you.'

The phone rang three times as I suddenly heard a sleepy voice. 'Clay? I just woke up. I'm sorry.'

'George, I'm so sorry to wake you up,' I muttered. I couldn't talk clearly anymore and breathed quickly because of how anxious I was. The whole world seemed blurry in front of me and it felt like I was moving in slow motion.

'What's wrong?' George muttered. I heard him sit up in his bed and yawn.

'Hypo,' I whispered. 'Very bad.'

'Oh gosh, I'm coming. Do you have any food? Glucose tablets?'


'Where are you?'

'School. Outside.'

'Okay, breathe slowly. I'm coming. How low is your blood sugar? Have you checked? If not, can you please check it for me?'

'Too shaky.'

'Can you try to check it for me? Stay on the phone, I'm coming as fast as I can.'

'I'll try,' I muttered. I held it on my finger and finally managed to prick my finger after a minute as George yelled at his parents to immediately bring him to school and get lots of food for me.

I got a bit of my blood on the test strip so I could see what my blood sugar was and waited for the result.

'Did you check it?' George asked me as he shut the car door.

'2,4. But it's still dropping, I think.'

'Oh my goodness, that's way too low. I'm on my way, do you have glucagon which I can inject?'

'I don't know, help me. I'm dying,' I sniffed.

'I'm on my way, breathe slowly for me. It's going to be okay.'

'I'm going to pass out,' I whispered.

'Keep listening to my voice, I'm just a minute away from you. Do you have anything to take?'


'No food at all?'

'Only an egg.'

'That has no carbs, that won't work. I'm almost there. Can you try to check if you have something I can inject?'

I didn't respond since I felt really unwell. I still grabbed my bag and started looking for my glucagon kit I used to have with me.


'What's going on, Clay? Can you find something?'

I started crying and curled myself up as I sobbed loudly. 'Help.'

'I'm on my way, I'm almost there. What side of the school are you at?'

'I don't know.'

'Did you go out through the exit or the entrance?'


'Okay, did you walk a bit before laying down?'


'How far did you walk?'


'You're laying down on a bench?' George asked me.

'Yes,' I whispered. I was fighting to stay conscious, but I constantly had my eyes roll away. I managed to shake myself back to reality as soon as my eyes rolled away.

'Okay,' George answered and I heard a car door open and then someone stepped out, it seemed like. 'I'm close to you, I'm running to you.'

I heard the wind through George's microphone and it was a lot of noise from his side, probably because he was running very quickly. He was breathing quickly and I suddenly saw his face as he ran around the corner.

'Clay! I'm here,' George said whilst panting loudly. He knelt down next to me and grabbed my bag immediately, looking through it.

'Have you ever had a glucagon kit in your bag?'

I nodded slowly as George grabbed my hand. His dad ran up to me too and sat down next to George as he looked through my bag.

'Is this it?' he asked after a minute.

I looked down at what he was holding and nodded slowly, but my eyes rolled away again. I hitched a breath and tried to shake myself back awake, but I got more and more unconscious about what was going on around me.

'Stay awake,' George yelled as he softly hit my head. 'Stay with me, I'm here.'

I really wanted to, but I couldn't fight against it anymore. All my muscles got weak and my head hit the side of the bench. I wanted to fight against it, but passed out a second later.

1029 words

Clay has a really bad hypo and DIES (he passes out)

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