The Day Before Moving.

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~Chapter 1~
Violet's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock yelling in my ear. I glared over at it hoping it would disappear. With no such luck I grabbed the wireless clock and threw it across the room. I heard a smash as someone knocked on my door,

"Are you decent?"

Oh. It was my older brother, Clayton. Clayton looked a lot like my father. He was well built, big shoulders, tall. He has curly dirty blonde hair like my father that makes his tan shine brighter. Every girl wants to be with my brother. But of course he keeps waiting for his mate. Which is great I think. Most guy werewolves don't wait and cause a gigantic problem. My brother had mesmerizing dark green eyes with specks of gold within them. He had the same lips as me that girls at school go crazy over. Like they're just lips. Calm yourself. Anyways, he had tanned skin and almost anything most girls could want.

Clayton is two years older than I. And he is very protective over me. Just like my dad. But it's alright most of the time.. sometimes it gets annoying. But at least I know I have people there for me. I was knocked out of my trance when Clayton knocked again.

"If you mean laying in bed then yes." I said tiredness laced through my voice.

He walked into my room and glanced at the broken alarm clock in pieces on the floor. He looked and me and smirked.

"Again?" He said with amusement.

"Yes! Now get out before I break something else over your head!"

He walked out and closed my door. My eyes trailed over the boxes and bags scattered across my room. The only thing that wasn't packed away was my jewellery box. I sighed and decided to get up to go downstairs for the breakfast waiting for me like it always is.

As I walked down the stairs I looked at the walls and noticed how blank they seemed to be. I pictured the wall covered in all our family photos, photos of my mum. Once I got down to the kitchen I leant over to kiss my dad (Charlie) on the cheek. I felt him smile when he said in his deep voice that held power.

"Good morning baby girl."

I smiled, I felt loved when he called me that and he knows it.

My dad had the same build as Clayton, well tanned, big shoulders, tall, well cut hair that was a dirty blonde color. My dad had these really light blue eyes. Not like Lydia's though. My dad was scary to a lot of people. After all, he is Alpha wherever he goes.

"Good morning daddy." I said as my mind shut up.

Yes, I still call my father daddy. Big deal.

"How'd you sleep?"

I had my back to him while I was making my poptarts. Keyword, My poptarts. No one touches them unless they want to get hurt. My poptarts popped which interrupted my train of thought,

"Yeah. Even though it means we're a day closer to leaving."

I heard him sigh, I knew this was hard for him as much as it was for me. I said a quick sorry as I faced him and took a bite of my delicious smores poptart.

And yes, I said leaving. Leaving my home. Leaving my friends and family. Leaving my pack. What do I mean by pack? A pack as in werewolves. I'm apart of the 'Dark Moon Pack'. My father is the Alpha and his best friend Mike, is the beta. I myself hold a lot of authority too since I'm the daughter of the 1st ranked Alpha in the world.

I was really hoping to be here for my 17th birthday. I wanted to change here. In a week I will be 17 and that night I will change into a werewolf and I will be able to find my mate.. which is not in the Dark Moon Pack. When I think of the place I'm moving to which is in Sydney, Australia, I get a feeling in my stomach.. I hope it's a good one.

*Authors Note*

So this is a good turn out I think for my first chapter.I know it's small, but it's something. I'll try to write more though! Again, no hate please. Tell me what you think though? Comment or private message me if you'd like. If you have any suggestions do tell. Comment, vote and share!

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