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The thing about crushes is that they are super underrated and no one could ever know how anyone would feel towards their crushes except the person himself-herself. You could feel way too many emotions about someone's without them ever confessing their feelings, and you are just hanging there with the what if's.

What if he likes me.

What if this message he sent me meant more.

What if that look he gave had hidden mutual feelings that he decided not to share until maybe later.

What if one day he is gonna tell me how much he loved me all these years of friendship, and maybe then I would have the courage to tell him : Oh darling how crazy I was just to hear those words , because I love you too. More than anything. More than anyone.

What if he was thinking about me right now.

and the list goes till infinity..

That is why we feel hurt. Because we had expectations. Imaginations. Thoughts of so many what if's that we deep , very deep down , believed in, but sadly they were all crushed in a glimpse of an eye that moment we saw them with someone

This is a human behaviour. We people have  the tendency to imagine ourself with the person on whom we develop our crush. And this is totally normal, everyone does that.

They were our crushes. Ones ,we daydreamed about, lost our sleep just to talk to or maybe just to think about, because maybe , just maybe , we would find them in our dreams too.

Initially its all Roses and unicorns. We start to imagine how our life would be with him/her, how we would treat them, what gifts we would give them, how we will take their pain away and how we will happily live after.

But life doesn't work how we want it to work, does it? Then comes the second phase where we start to realise the differences between you and your crush, but still we hold on to it because in our minds he/she is just too perfect to be wrong.

And then comes the thirds phase where we see our crush getting into relationship with someone else. We even think that he/she doesn't deserve that person he/she deserves me! I'm better than that person. But that's how it works, things fall apart. They break. That's life.

Lastly, don't let this depress you. Accept the fact and move on. Life goes on!

Just as the thoughts flooded my mind it's been more than a year I've almost gave up looking for this man,the man who stole my heart and broke my relationship,the man I've longed craved and searched for,the man I would look at a gazillion times without blinking,the man who blocked all men out of my life and left me hanging with his image in my heart and soul not leaving a name,address,pic or his figure-a man who didn't notice a being but stole that being's heart in a thin of air leaving no room for me to escape.so just how would you feel when that person is just a few feet in front of you?would you let someone take that away from you?ain't you gonna fight for the love you claim to have for the man?or would you rather just let all those goosebumps and the feeling of love go away just like that?even if it means cutting off your ties with the entire world for just this one person,ain't you gonna sacrifice and live a life full of love,the feeling of him choosing another person,another woman over you right in front of your eyes and that person being a good friend and a sister who stood in time of goods and bad,or the feeling of regret that your the one being part of all this,shouting and raising a card which shouts a bold loud and beautiful 'YES'.

With a bloody heart,trembling hands ,uncontrollable thoughts and a shaky mouth I found myself shouting With a pleading voice making all the people turn and take a look at the intruder.

"No......please....don't"I said with a shaky voice,a pleading heart and a passionate eyes which looks directly into Aymaan's .

"You can't do this to me,not me,not now,it has to be a 'No'"I said searching aymaan's eyes for a sign of love.

Everyone looked at me like I'm some crazy being who needs to be taken to the psychiatric,I looked any where but Aymaan's eyes who looked like he was about to kill me and Amaani stood silently looking at everything as if a change of life in a thin of air while my friends all looked unbelievable,wanting me to take my words back but no this is what I want,the man is what I want and ion care what the world says all I care is to be in this man's arms!

"Well you've got your answer"Amaani said and left leaving everyone in surprise and thanking Allah for having Maryam as a life saver,for her friend is madly in love with this man and she saw all sincerity in her love ,so what if she let her have him,he should love her friend as he claim to love her,for she has never dated or fall in love with a guy,she doesn't know the sweetness of love but her friend does,so she's highly welcome to become Mrs.Sheikh,and that brought a bright smile on Amaani's face because rejection is one thing that doesn't comes from herself-the feeling of guilt always makes her feel like a bad person.

Yes I feel guilty for rejecting each and every person I met in the course of life. People come in your life, do good things, flourish your life and some of them leave an indelible impression in mind. In my life, there have been several people who came to my life and some of them wanted to stay. It is a different issue that I could not accommodate most of them. I can not accommodate each and every person I meet even if I like them.

People who have no feelings about hurting others range from being plain self-centered to being sociopathic.

People who feel remorse are human and are displaying empathy which is a GOOD thing.

However, feeling guilty should NOT lead you to string someone along rather than "reject" them. Also, there are many ways to "reject" someone without being unkind and without lying. It is not kind or true to give someone false hope about love or anything else.

Find a way to disengage that YOU would find find "palatable" if it were you. Doesn't mean you don't horrible when rejected, but wouldn't you rather be spared unnecessary humiliation? Wouldn't you prefer the truth to a lie? Wouldn't you prefer to "know" than "never know why"?

Now, if someone is stalking you or exhibiting what you intuit as bizarre behavior, you need someone neutral to intervene for your own safety.

Assuming you are talking about someone who feels romantic love that is not returned (and there is no possibility it will ever change), I would suggest the following:

Meet the person for coffee or lunch- something neutral and in a public place. Then offer up ( in varying degrees depending on the relationship) what you appreciate about the person and the good times you've had (if appropriate). Then, be in kind but frank. Tell him/her that you want only the best for them and how flattered you are that they feel so strongly about you, but that you don't return the feelings (which is NO reflection on ANYBODY). Or that you thought there could be a relationship but you've changed your mind. The other person cannot explain to you "WHY" they love you any more than you can explain "WHY" you don't love them...so don't go there.

Above all, don't unintentionally insult or mislead the person by saying "I wish things were different" or "Can't we be friends?" You could actually SAY "I won't use trite words that will only make us both feel worse right now."

Treat the other person how YOU wish you had been /will be treated in a similar situation.

I said my prayers hoping everything will be just a dream for the  Missed calls I'm seeing now is a sign that things will be different from tomorrow,I set my phone on my night stand hoping to have a peaceful sleep.

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