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"It was hard for him I knew but I just had to do it any way"Mami said looking at me.

"You'd the right thing Mami,you have nothing to apologize for,I can't imagine growing up with such a person called my mother"I replied disgustingly.

"May Allah bless you my BiBi"Mami said patting my head lovingly.

"Ameen Mami"I replied with a sad smile.

"I have talked to your VC about your condition a long time ago,so you have nothing to worry about,you'll take lessons online from home and then Write your missing exams okay?"abba said trying to drift my mind off the conversation we had.

"Thank you Abba so much"

"You've grown so big and beautiful and now you'll soon be a graduate in about five months,I'm so proud of you Little one"Abba said with an apologetic smile.

"And she'll have to get married soon,so you better get someone before those five months end,i want to see my grandkids"Mami said teasingly.

"Mamiiiiiiiiii"I said and left the room in a hurry while I could hear their chuckle.

"Hey watch your steps girl"yusrah said while touching her belly.

"Ooh my God,I'm so sorry the baby huh?"i asked feeling scared.

"You're hilarious"she replied.

"You scared me"

"Sorry"She said with a pout.

"Now c'mon let's go all the girls are waiting for you"

"So who's the visitor?"I asked curiously as I stepped into the room.

"Uhmmm,can  we talk to you for a sec"Zuzu and Halima asked.

"What's it this time,I don't trust you two"

"Spit it out"

"Mum is coming to see you in 10minutes"Halima said.

"I told you I don't want to Ever see her in my life,don't you get it?"I replied to both of them driving the attention of everyone in the house

"What's wrong Amaani?"muhammad asked worriedly.

"I don't want to see her ever again,don't you get it?can anyone of you even feel my pain?can someone side with me on this for once?their's nothing to talk more with her,I'm fed  up of all the lies and betrayal and I won't accept any more from now,I don't intend on forgiving her and if anyone of you  stands on my way he won't be forgiven too"

"I'm -so—-s-sorry Amaa"mum's voice rise above and everyone's attention got to her.

"You destroyed a creature more beautiful than you could ever comprehend"I roared angrily.

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