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"Bibi open up please my love"mami said with so much scare in her voice.

"I'm not gonna try killing myself this time Mami,she's not worth it,just wait up a minute"I said and stood up to open the door for Mami.

"Good morning mother Mami"I said raising a brow.

"I'm your granny woman"Mami said while sitting on the bed.

"You're my Mother,my one true lover"I said while pecking her.

"You spent all night crying huh?"

"I didn't want you to see my weakness,sorry I chased you out last night"I said in an apologetic tone.

"The nightmares?"

"They've become worst Mami"I said while crying.

"Forgive her Bibi"

"Mami I can't,she's took my life all along and now I'm loosing her"

"She'll be operated today,go pay a visit"

"I can't"

"You can't or you won't?you've been here for a week,all Families and friends worried,you forced me not to talk"

"I'm sorry Mami,I'll be leaving today for Abj"

"No you're not"

"When she dies,life goes on huh?I have a life at Abj- a school to attend to"

"Your dad will be so disappointed"

"How does he feels when his first love is lying on a hospital bed and his child missing?"

"She was his love,his first,he would want to pay a visit"

"I don't think he'll"

"She's only sick,he'll be representing you"

"A site to see,you'd want to store it as a good memory of your parents"

"What if they fight in their"

"They won't,you should be their and let's this end for good"

"I'm not sure Mami"I said while cleaning my tears.

"Don't you want to know all the truth?"

"More like a family time?"

"I know you'll be hurt when all is exposed but They're more to know than to be hidden she's willing to tell you all,and maybe you'd find out about my own bad part in their"

"What do you mean Mami?"

"I'm not as good as I look"

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