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Aymaan's POV

It had been a week and she hadn't called me,what bothered me most is the mysterious way I always see her number on my contact but afraid to call,huh maybe Farouq was right,maybe I'm forcing myself on her.I sighed took off my lab coat and settled on the chair.

'AYMAAN' though his heart was filled with doubts,he still believed in her,he still thought about her.

"Hello Doctor I bought you lunch"Nurse fadila stormed into his office excitedly.

"Hello...,I don't feel like having anything"Aymaan replied and dropped his phone angrily.

"What's pissing you off"i dropped the lunch bags.

She stood and walked closer to him-she knew this man so well,she knew what made him angry and sad .

"She hasn't called me Fadila,I don't know...I don't know what to do"he replied

"I don't mean to offend you but forget that lady,she's not serious,she isn't ready for you...if not she would have called you back if she had any iota of interest In you"Fadila's words stormed into my heart,her words made me feel worse,what if she's In a relationship,what if she was building this with someone else?(I thought silently)No she would never do that,I love her so much I can't afford to loose her,I think she needs more space and I'll wait for her.


"Aymaan I need to see you ASAP"came her melodious voice filled with anger.

"Meet me at Aminu kano hospital"and she hung up the call.

"Assalamualikum"she said while storming into the office where her gaze fell on Dr.Rayyan.

"What a surprise huh?how have you been Amaani?"

"Not bad,and what you doing here?"I looked closely and listened to their conversation in surprise.

"Ooh just here to see this young man"She said without sparing me a glare.

"Or perhaps maybe you got a new medical personnel?"Rayyan asked playfully.

"You'll always and forever be my medical personnel doctor Rayyan,so just chill"

"Uhmmmm Aymaan shes the lady I've been talking to you about..."he said looking everywhere at me.

"About what?"i asked in surprise.

"The file,my patients file...AMAANI AMIN NASIR GALADANCHI"

"Amaani his one of the best Neurologist in the whole world,he travels all around the world to help patients like you and more"

"Well...that's nice,but I wouldn't let him treat me I'd-prefer to die"

"You attempted suicide?you have a brain complication due to stress,are you oka...you feeling all right,do you have a headache"I said coming forward to Amaani.

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