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Bonnie watched the world grow and evolve.

She watched the birth and fall of the titans and the rise of the gods.

Bonnie herself became a god at one point, the goddess of magic, but...the power and authority and disconnect she had from the growing and evolving humans changed her. Bonnie grew cold and dark and evil.

She became the first and only Eldritch god, the Eldritch Abomination.

The Eldritch Abomination is a type of creature defined by its disregard for the natural laws of the universe as we understand them. They are grotesque mockeries of reality beyond comprehension whose disturbing otherness cannot be encompassed in any mortal tongue. Reality itself warps around them.

The definition came from everything Bonnie was.

One day Bonnie realized she didn't like who she'd become...and she didn't want to be 'The Eldritch God' anymore...so she gave her position to the young goddess she had trained, Hecate and she had left Olympus.

For half a century Bonnie remained in hiding, she meditated and found inner peace and became someone she could be proud of again.

When she returned to civilization and Zeus offered her, her status as a god again she refused and decided to live on Earth as the god's immortal priestess.

And that's really where this story begins, where Bonnie's life begins anew. The semi-immortal living among humans watching myths unfold around her...watching history unfold before her eyes.

Except...these events weren't history anymore, not to her, these events were part of her and she was a part of them. These events influenced her and she influenced them.

These events weren't her past...they were her present and her past...had become her future, a future she was determined to change but for now? For now Bonnie had a field that needed attending.

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