Possesion of the Obsessed. Pt.3

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"What! I'm his daughter? You told me my dad had died in war!"

"I know sweety and I'm so sorry," her mother began to fill with tears,"Its just that I didn't want you to know the truth, your dad had many problems and you only inherited his bi-polar syndrome, thank god, but I didn't want you to know what you came from."

"What are you talking about he loved you! And you kept him from me!"

"I'm so sorry I just wanted the best for-"


With that she ran up to her room, plopped down on her bed, and cried.

"I'm so sorry Casey." Sandra consoled.

"I can't believe it, all these years I thought that he was a hero, but he was really just some crazy guy, I would do anything to meet him."

Suddenly a loud CLANK! interrupted the girls conversation. They look over at the source of the sound. It was the ouji board...

"Okay place both hands on the triangle things,"

"What now?

" I don't know, ask it something. "

"Ummm dad, are you there? Hello."


"Umm, is anybody out there."

NPABFHSKHSOTYBCKAHELOHELLOHELLOHELLOHELLOHELLOHELLOHELLOHELLO. The board roared to life. At first it traced over random letters but then it kept spelling out hello.

"Daddy is that you"
"Oh my god," a tear rolled down Casey's cheek.

"I wish I could have met you,"
"I love you."


"Um I don't know what to say to end it."

"I think you just let go."

"Oh okay."

And they let go, the board began to shake and crack. The chandelier in her room slowly swayed.

"Wow, creepy."


For those of you who don't know.your supposed to say goodbye to make the spirit leave.

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