What Goes Around... Part 1. The McCullins

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Henry let's go before the food gets cold, if there's even going to be any food left! Martha called upstairs. They were going to a barbeque at the Flipping's. Mr.Flipping was a Cytologist at the cell lab in New Bagscurdy. A barbeque there was a once in a life time thing. He was the richest in the neighborhood so he always had the best food. The flipping's had always been very Ani-Social'ish, so when they had a party it was like seeing a million dollars for the first time each time.

When they finally arrived everyone was talking and swimming.

"Oh Marry! You look so beutifull." Ms.Flipping retorted.

"Thank you," she replied.

"I hope you brought your bathing suit because were going swimming!"

"I don't really go swimming. Its just not my thing, sorry. In fact I don't think that any of my family actually swims."

"Oh, well that's a shame. I was looking forward to our kids playing together." Soon after the conversation was over food was served. Perfectly cooked hamburger of all kinds, perfectly tossed salad, and every other kind of perfect picnic foods were served. After words desert was served, and for the adults jello shots. Mr.Flipping had figured out some way to mix in harmless chemicals so that when you ate it your mouth started to produce a light fog. He called it dragons breath. She noticed Miss.Flipping talking to a strange woman who didn't live in thus neighbor hood. She pointed in the direction of Marry when she thought that she wasn't looking. They talked some more then Miss.Flipping walked over. When Miss.Flippings offered Marry a jello shot she had to refuse because she didn't drink. Miss.Flipping seemed kind of clued by Marry's response. She sort of shrugged it off and went around offering them to adults. The younger kids had red jello cups that had the same effect, just without the alcohol.

Mss.McCullins (Marry) had to refuse when her son was offered the jello because he had a limited sugar intake. It just so happened that his sugar intake was already in a "red zone" so he couldn't have anymore sweets. Then again Miss.Flipping had looked a little bit more deeply disturbed. It could have been because her family was the only one not swiming or eating desert, but hey who knows...

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