All Just A Dream

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              "You sure you don't want me to come pick me up. Its going to be really dark on that road and you don't know who's out there."

           "No, I'm good. I'll just wait for the tow truck in the morning.". Henry and James were both driving to New Jersey for a Root and Beer concert but, somewheres along the way Jame's green minivan broke down. He called a tow truck company but they wouldn't be able to be there until morning.

       That night Henry went to bed at a Motel and James slept in his car. As James was beginning to fall asleep he heard a tap on his window.....


       Henry jumped under the covers and in no time was sleeping. He began to dream about a man walking up beside a green minivan, he sat there for a minute looking inside the car, staring at the sleeper. Inside was, JAMES!  Suddenly the man tapped on the glass. James woke up and the man ducked. He saw James lay back down and the man walk over to the door handle and stick a bobby pin into the lock. Slowly, he opened the door, as to not wake James up. Suddenly he pulled out a knife and began stabbing him in multiple places. He finished of his work with a smile carved into James face. Henry jumped up, and drive to James car. Inside was a grizzly scene. He nearly puked.

     He called 911 and soon the trees around the scene were dancing in a festival of red, white, and blues. On the spot they arrested henry for the murder of James Worener.

       Henry was beyond buzzing with fury.

        "How could I do such a thing to my friend!" He demanded.

         "Well, evidence" the officer began,"For one your covered in blood and two we found a bloody blade in your room."

  Henry looked down in shock.

    "How could this be. IT WAS ALL JUST A DREAM!" And with that the was thrown in to a mental hospital. 

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