koBloody Mary Ending- Day 2 Story 2

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     In 2012 their was a family that lived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Their was a 14(Alexis) year old girl, and 10(Michael) and 12 (Jhonny) year old boys. Their mother had recently passed away and their father had already found a new wife. ________________Alexis's POV_______________

  When ever father wasn't looking she would give us little slaps and glares. On her 4th week with us she sent Michael away to a boarding school for badly behaved kids. After four months Michael committed suicide. That left me and Jhonny. Soon after, she introduced him to 3 football players on an all-star team. They everything he wanted to be, eventually he got into drugs too. She knew this and would increase his allowance every week. Eventually he overdosed one day and died, the doctor said if she would had found him ten minutes sooner than he would have survived. She didn't need him to tell her that though. I started to become the COMPLETELY PERFECT child of which no one had seen before. I had made a plan to move with my aunt who lived in florida when I was 18. One day while I was studying my father came in to inform me of my aunts murder.....

     I had had enough of it, I was going to end her once and for all, with the help of an old "family friend". Her name was bloody Mary. You see every body tries this " game" and no one succeeds, that's because you must do it with a mirror owned by one of the Malli's. She intrecetly set up candles around the living room and placed a mirror in the middel of the room. As soon as Hillary got home she stood in front of the mirror, blocking it, and confronted her. Yea I killed your family, and you and your god damned dad are next. I didn't say anything, I just said bloody Mary two times and ducked behind the mirror. Oh this fake shit, right cuz its going to work. Then I finally whispered bloody Mary. Suddenly the mirror erupted into flames as the long lost curser jumped out of the mirror like she said she would. Hillary come heerree! She was pulled into the flames, never to be heard again. It was easy lieing to my dad and saying she ran off with some man, baecause even her friend saw her with another man. We are finally at peace now...

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