The Loss

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"I'm sorry"

"Shit!" Amelia swore as she saw a gigantic creature wreaking havoc over the dungeons, in the process freeing the prisoners who aren't supposed to be freed. "Goddamnit." she muttered, hitting the button on the wall, the force field dropped, she walked out of the cell. The moment she exited the cell, her chest tightened making her double over in pain, taking a deep breath, she ignored the pain, turning towards Loki she was met with his slightly concerned look "Don't try anything." She warned running towards the sounds.

"What the hell happened?" she asked Fandral who was fighting one of the prisoners.

"It's as if they resent being imprisoned. We do not know, one of them broke free." He grunted, driving his sword into one prisoner out of control

Sending a blast of energy at the prisoner holding Fandral she huffed in pain "freeing all of them." she finished for him before realization hit her "Jane..."

"Go!" He ordered, Amelia nodded making her way to Jane, ignoring the jolts of pain.

"Mia!" Thor called out to the frantic girl "Where are you going?"


"You can't!"

"I don't care, they need you in the dungeons, go I'll be fine!" Amelia was too dedicated to notice Thor's hesitation, ignoring him and making her way to her destination.

Amelia was the first to notice the shields going down, the same pace they were put up, increasing her pace she skidded to a stop in front of the queen and Jane "Your Majesty, the shields are down, you two need to get out of here, it's the dark elves." She panted.

"Amelia, you're in pain."

"I can handle it, we have to get to safety." Just as she ended the sentence, she saw someone enter the chambers...Malekith. "Stand down, this is your last warning." Amelia warned, her form ready to fight, her hands glowing an angelic white.

"I would listen to her, if I want to live." the queen spoke to the Elf.

"I have survived worse woman."

Amelia moved towards Jane as the queen distracted Malekith. Extending her hands he formed a shield around the scientist the same time Queen Frigga fought the elf. "Shit!" she cursed when the queen was disarmed by another creature. "Amelia stay your ground!" she ordered. Amelia grunted in pain, made the shield stronger.

Malekith came towards her, heavily breathing, Amelia had her head held high. "You are stronger than I thought're still a mortal." A quick stab to her arm, Amelia still held on to the shield with her injured arm. Screaming in pain Amelia was sent hurtling back, her body hitting a pillar and the shield disintegrating she tried putting up another shield but was unsuccessful with too much pain running through her body rather than power.

Smirking when Jane's illusion vanished, rage filling the elf, walking over the queen. "Come on, come on, come on" she chanted trying her hardest to get to her feet to protect the queen.

Horror took over her, as she watched the queen being stabbed before she could put up a shield around her "No!" her rage powered her enough to throw the creatures off their feet. Thor coming in tried to attack the elves, Amelia was able to get up, the prince running to his mother, holding her hand as she lived her final moments. "Thor... Let me." she whispered, taking the queen's hand in her own, wincing in pain as she took the queen's pain, helping her.

"Thank you Amelia..." she smiled at the queen's voice in her head "Tell him he was always my son, nothing less, tell him I'm sorry" Amelia's eyes filled with tears, her, she knew those were her last words, the witch smiled at her before she fell still. Still in pain Amelia staggered back, covering her mouth, letting out silent tears over the death of the queen.

She watched as her son and husband mourned for her, holding onto her as though she had disappeared. "I'm sorry" she spoke quietly holding her stomach in pain.

"It wasn't your fault Mia, thank you for helping her." Amelia smiled quietly before gasping in realization, struggling to get up, Thor helped her up, asking if she was okay. Amelia shook her head, running out of the chamber, limping slightly, she made her way to the dungeons


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