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THE CAR RIDE WASNT LONG, Adira looked out the window while Michonne glared at the two men in the front seat

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THE CAR RIDE WASNT LONG, Adira looked out the window while Michonne glared at the two men in the front seat. Rick was driving while Mitch and Oscar were in the back. The guy with shaggy hair who's name is Daryl was in the front.

Soon enough the truck was parked on the side of the road next to the woods. Everyone got out the truck and began grabbing their weapons.

"You know how to use it?" Rick asked Adira, holding out an all black handgun.

It had been a while since she held one. Before the dead became alive, her father taught her how to use one, just in case of course. He wasn't big on guns, he preferred knife throwing, or arrows.

She hadn't even thought of her father. It was like her mind just locked him away so she would stay strong.

Tears began brimming in her eyes but she swallowed her feelings back and grabbed the gun. "Yeah."

"They have patrols. We're better off on foot." Michonne said from the other side of the truck.

"How far? Nights coming?" Rick asked.

"Around a mile, maybe two. Don't worry about it. We'll get there soon." Adira began walking, with the thoughts of her father and people becoming locked again.

Even though the trees were tall, the sun still blinded them. Adira was in the front of the group, leading them all. Mitch was behind her, carrying his automatic rifle. Oscar and Michonne walked at an even pace behind him. Lastly, Rick and Daryl walked in the back.

As they continued walking, a loud group of biters were seen. Rick quickly ushered everyone to get down. "Get in formation. No gunfire."

They all formed a circle and began killing a few. The more they killed, the more that followed.

"There's too many." Daryl stated while reloading his crossbow.

"This way." Rick responded before leading them all away.

They continued running away before they saw a large caving in a clearing. "Right there." Rick pointed and busted the door open. They all rushed in and Michonne shut the door.

"The smell, it's loud." Daryl said as they all covered their noses with their hands. They all inched towards the smell, wondering what the hell could be creating the awful odor.

Ricks pointed his flashlight at a small ball of fur. "Must be a fox. Or what's left of it." Daryl stated before looking closely, "nevermind, I guess Lassie came home." A dead dog was laying on the blood stained carpet.

The walkers outside began pounding on the door and walls. Rick quietly whistled and called the group over.

A body laid under the covers of a beige bed. Everyone pulled out their weapons as Rick began walking closer.

He pulled the blanket off and a man quickly stood up and pointed his gun at Rick. "Ah! Who the hell are you?"

"We don't mean any harm." Rick backed up and held his machete up.

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