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Morning soon came and the day was gloomy. Hershel packed bags with medical supplies. Carl packed Judith's bag with a few memories of his old life.

Michonne came back safe and sound with a few marks on her wrists. When Adira saw her she ran to her and the two engulfed in a hug. When they pulled away Adira swore she saw Michonnes eyes water but ignored it, she was just happy she was back.

Daryl came back too. He was angry and red rimmed his eyes. Merle wasn't back, they all knew what happened.

They chose to fight. It wasn't spoken but they all knew it. They wouldn't leave the prison without a fight. Part of Adira wanted to run away but she wouldn't break her promise. No more running.

She strapped the handgun to her thigh. Pulled her arrows over her shoulder. Made sure her knives were hidden. That morning, Beth braided half of Adiras' hair and let the bottom half down. Adira made two braids ontop of Beth's head and pulled the rest into a ponytail.

Adira saw Daryl's almost empty quiver and grabbed a handful of her extras. She made her way over to the man who sat beside his bike. She extended her hand, offering it so he could stand. He looked up at her before grabbing her hand and standing up. "He gave us a chance." She told him and gave him the arrows before walking away.

Some of them wouldn't fight. Beth, Hershel, Judith, and Carl were packing up things in case it all went down. Carl wasn't happy about it, he angrily threw his bag into the green car and ignored them all. Beth had begged Adira to go with them, but she had to fight. She gave Beth the cats despite Koko's meowing in disagreement.

Their goodbyes were rushed. Beth squeezed the living hell out of Adira, telling her that if she died she would bring her back to life and kill her herself. After they left Rick gave them a small pep talk and made a plan.

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Mitch and Adira were left outside hidden. Rick and the rest hid inside the prison, waiting to lure the Governor inside.

It wasn't long before the trucks showed up and tore down the gates, or what was left of them. There was a huge explosion and all the guard towers were either blown up or sprayed with bullets. The Governor and his people wasted bullets on the walkers and shooting at the stone walls.

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