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When Adira woke up, she was in a place she did not wanna be

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When Adira woke up, she was in a place she did not wanna be.

Her back was sore, her head was pounding, and most of all her wrists were burning. A small whimper can out of her lips and she tried to move but her hands were bound.

That's when panic set in. Her eyes quickly fluttered open. She was on a dusty bed in a room like the one they had seen Glenn in.

Infront of her sat Daryl on the old floor. His hands were tied behind his back and he too made eye contact with her. Then his eyes switched over to beside her. And that's when she noticed that Mitch was there too. He was tied up and a gag was around his mouth.

He stared at her with an empty expression. She could see a few bruises starting form on his forehead.

The door was suddenly pushed open and in walked an white man with huge clothes. His white eyebrows were bushy and his hair was falling out.

"Well let's get this party started." He flashed a toothless smile.

He grabbed a can of beer from the bedside table and opened it. He then grabbed a small pocket knife from his pocket and grabbed the neckline of Mitch's shirt. He began cutting it down the middle until it met his pants.

The old man smiled at them and pushed his shirt open, revealing his toned stomach. Mitch had many scars running down his chest. Some were from knives, some were burn marks, others looked like glass had been thrown at him.

Then the man turned towards the girl and removed her flannel. He let out a low whistle while looking at her in her tank top. Panic began bubbling in her stomach. Her heart drummed in her ears as he began cutting down her tank top. She wanted to cry, but now was not the time.

She was left in her sports bra and Mitch was left with no shirt on.

Adira could only feel disgust as his eyes raked down the smooth line that outlined her abs. His eyes never left her body as he made his way over to Daryl and gagged him.

The two tried calming themselves down but Daryl could see both of their chests rise and fall from breathing so hard. The man had gone to his chair and started drinking his beer while looking at the kids intensely.

Adira then suddenly remembered the bone knife in her waistband. The man couldn't see it due to it being against her back.

Without moving her arms too much, she successfully took it out. She began slicing at the rope slowly, trying to not catch his attention.

A few minutes passed before the man sighed and grabbed his knife again. The kids began to panic as he made his way over to them.

The man smiled at Adira and she began cutting faster. The man slowly began cutting at the top of her bra. Panic began boiling inside her, she wished this rope would just magically snap, she wished for anything... anything but that.

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