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The four of them walked through the woods

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The four of them walked through the woods. Koko walked a few feet away from them, sniffing the ground. Daryl and Adira walked behind Beth as they were teaching her to track and hunt.

It had taken Beth around twenty minutes to learn how to walk quietly. She was a fast learner.

"Are we close?" Beth asked while holding the crossbow up to her face, aiming it at the trees.

"Almost done."

"How do you know?"

"The signs are all there. Just got to know how to read 'em."

Beth put the crossbow slightly down, "what are we tracking?"

"You tell me." Daryl said, causing Beth to lower the crossbow and glare at him. "You're the one who wanted to learn, Beth."

Beth looked down at the ground and noticed some of the leaves were scattered. "Well, something came through here. The pattern is all zig-zaggy." She smiled at the tracks in realization, "it's a walker."

Daryl rubbed his chin, "maybe it's a drunk."

"I'm getting good at this." Beth stated and pulled the crossbow back up to eye view. "Pretty soon I won't need you at all."

They continued following the trail until they heard the faint snarling of a walker. They kept themselves hidden behind large bushes. "It's got a gun." Beth stated and Daryl nudged her to go.

Beth took slow and careful steps, just how Adira taught her. She held the cross bow up, ready to kill. But she gasped when a small trap shut on the heel of her boot. She fell to the ground and when she noticed the walker coming closer, she shot it.

Adira and Daryl saw the arrow go through the walkers jaw but not kill him. Adira took one of her arrows out and shot the walker in the head while Daryl ran over to Beth.

Daryl removed the trap, "can you move it?" Beth winced and tried to move her ankle. "Yeah."

They made their way to the cemetery. Beth was on top of Daryl's back. Her ankle was hurting more than ever. The cemetery was large, lots of acres full of tombstones. It was like a large clearing with a house at the end.

They stopped short at a small tombstone. "Alarius Camber. Beloved father. Born Nov. 12th 1837. Died Dec 10th 1874."

Daryl plucked a pair of flowers from behind him and set them down on the tombstone. They didn't know who's body lay there six feet under. But it gave Beth a moment of peace. Beth stood between the two humans and reached out her hands, interlacing them with each other.

The house was fairly large and looked in good shape. It was old and the windows were boarded up. Daryl managed to pick the lock and open the door. He banged a couple of times on the doorway, waiting for any walkers. "Give it a minute."

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