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This history lesson, will it ever end?

I'm sitting here looking at stuff on my phone while looking out of the window every now and then. Not even paying attention to what the teacher, Mr Nelson is saying.
"Blah, blah,blah... something about war... blah blah blah something about an old person... blah blah blah..."
I sigh and lean back in my chair while I keep scrolling on my phone "Whatever..."
In that moment,it gets quiet.
"What was that?" Mr Nelson asks and everyone turn to look at me.

"Did you want to say anything, Hayden?" he takes a few steps forward,  towards me.
As he comes up to me, I put away the phone into my pocket.
"Can I go now? This class is boring as hell."
He scoffs slightly at my remark.
"Absolutely not. It's twenty minutes left and just like everybody else in here, you also have to stay till the end."
After saying that, he walks back to where he was standing before.
"And that attitude. Drop it. I don't ever want to hear or see it again. Understood?" He gives me a stern look and without expecting an answer, he continues the lesson where he left off.

After a while, the lesson ends and I'm more than happy to leave this room but just as I stand up from my seat, Mr. Nelson tells me that I have to stay a little bit because he needs to talk to me about something. A deep sigh escape my lips but I decide to comply. There's no use to fight. Not this time.

When everyone else has left, he closes the door and sits down by the front desk.
"The way you act is not okay. Not one bit. And I will not accept your behavior. If it continues, it will have consequences." He says with a serious, almost threatening tone in his voice.
"Yeah yeah, whatever..." I say while continuing to look away from him.
"It's not whatever, Hayden. How you behave is important. Do you understand?"

I just nod in irritation and put my hands in the pockets of my jeans.
Mr. Nelson leans back a little in his chair where he sits and adjusts his glasses.
"Okay so, I also have something else to discuss with you. So you may sit down if you like." He motions his right hand towards a chair that stands right in front of the desk but I directly shake my head.
"No, I'm good."
"Okay then." he says and clears his throat.
"It's about your grades. They could need some improvement... And I would be happy to help you with that if you only are willing to cooperate."
"Nah it's fine, I don't need your help" I say while making my way towards the door.
"Okay, if you say so. But you still have to raise your grades somehow..."
I roll my eyes at his words and walk out of the room.
"Think about your future..." he adds before I close the door behind me.


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