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"Have a good weekend and see you on Monday" Mr Nelson says and drives away. I wave him goodbye and then I go inside.
While inside, laughter can be heard from the livingroom. My mom is probably having a friend over again and they both are probably or definitely drunk.

After taking off my shoes I walk directly in to my room, close the door behind me and lie down on the bed.
I just lie there for a while, looking up at the ceiling and thinking about life.
Then suddenly the door opens and a strange man with a beard comes in. "Oops, this isn't the bathroom" he says
"Nope" I say and sit up on the bed. The man looks at me a little startled while holding his hand over his chest "Oh, I didn't see you there. I'm really sorry. Bye then." he says and chuckles nervously while closing the door behind him.

As the man leaves, I sigh and lie down again. This happens way too often so I'm kinda used to it but it still grinds my gears. The last time this happened, some other man walked into my room and took a look around, like it was a fucking museum. Then he told me how cool my room was and even patted me on the head before walking out. My mom just stood outside in the hall, laughing her ass off.

Yet it's still better than the alternative. When my mom is having company she is always drinking wine, which makes her happy and giggly. But when she is alone she usually drinks beer, which makes her angry and bitter.
And she usually takes out her anger by yelling and hitting me.
So, I'm pretty grateful whenever she has guests over, even though I hate when they come into my room, because then she won't do anything to me.

Lucky me, I'm turning eighteen soon and when that time comes, I can do whatever the fuck I want. Then I'm finally gonna move out from this hell hole and never return.
The only problem is that I don't have the money to do so, and I don't have a job either. So it will probably be difficult to move right away,but I'll try to figure something out.

Anyways, who does Mr Nelson think he is? Acting like he is the boss over me, or something. Threatening me to put me in diapers if I have another accident. Like wtf? Who does that?

But it really doesn't matter because it's not gonna happen, because I'm not gonna have another accident.
But if and I really mean IF I have another accident, I still won't wear a diaper and there is nothing he can do about it. He can't make me. I'm not a baby for gods sake.

The weekend goes by pretty fast even though it is a pain in the ass. My mom is drinking, as she always does, all day everyday and I am alone in my room, trying to contact my friends but they are unfortunately all busy. So I play some video games, trying to somehow get away from all of my thoughts and emotions, atleast for a while.

Soon enough it's Monday again and I'm on my way to school. Yay...
Near the entrance I get met by my two younger friends, Ethan and Lucas.
We greet eachother with a bro-hug.
"I'm sorry we couldn't hang bro. I was at my grandparents place" Ethan says and shakes his head.
"Yeah sorry about that. I was busy playing minecraft with some friends" Lucas explains.
"It's okay. It's no big deal." I tell them.

"Anyways what you got there?" I ask and point at the thing that Ethan is holding in his right hand.
"Oh, this?" he says and holds it up infront of him. It's a pack of cigarettes. "You want one?" he asks.
It was a long time ago since I smoked and I'm gonna be honest, it's DISGUSTING. But for now I don't really care about that. I just want to bond with these guys and have a good time. Leave the bad things behind. You know?
"Yeah, sure. Why not?"

Ethan gives me a cigarette and I put it between my index- and middle finger.
"Goodmorning boys" Mr Nelson says as he passes by at that exact moment. He then also notices me holding the cigarette and immediately gives me a stern look. As he does that, suddenly for some reason, I'm filled with guilt. What the hell?
I shake my head in an attempt to make that feeling go away, but it doesn't work. Fuck.
"I need to go" I say and give the cigarette back to Ethan. Both him and Lucas look at me with concern before I turn around to walk away from them.

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