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When we arrive at home, I discreetly tell Mr Nelson that I need a change. Luckily, he is good at reading body language, so it doesn't take long for him to understand what I'm trying to say.

We head over to the nursery while William makes himself comfortable in the living room.
I feel uneasy knowing that he is in the other room and could any second just open the door and see me getting a diaper change. I get chills just thinking about it. That would be so embarrassing.

"Have you changed your mind about him?" Mr. Nelson asks while starting to wipe me down.

"Who?" I ask obliviously.

"William. You had a really harsh opinion about him a few days ago, remember?"

"Oh, right... Yeah, he is a pretty cool guy." I say, " We even have some things in common."

"Really? Like what?" he says enthusiastically. This must really mean a lot to him by the sound of it.

"Well, he also likes to watch the ninja turtles, and we both have Mikey as our favorite, and..."
I stop myself in the middle of the sentence as I feel my stomach turning.
"Wait." I push myself up into sitting position, and Mr Nelson gives me a questioning look. "I need to use the bathroom. NOW."

He quickly helps me to put my pants back on and hands me the diaper that he was going to put on me just now.
"Put this on when you're done. You can do that, right?"

I nod and hide the diaper under my sweater so that William won't see it when I walk by.


I sit down on the couch while waiting for Owen and Hayden to return. They said that they were gonna talk about something. So, they are probably back soon.

The first thing I notice while sitting down is that the stuffie that was here the last time isn't here now. It was a cute elephant, if I remember correctly. And it was really soft. It must be Hayden's stuffie because it's not one of mine. I'm not one hundred percent sure that he is a little, though. But Owen did confirm that Hayden was jealous of me, and that kinda confirms my theory that Hayden is Owen's little too, cause what other reason is there?

I mean, it could be that they're in a romantic relationship, but that seems really unlikely. That doesn't seem like something Owen would do. To date a student, I mean. And for all I know, Hayden is straight. He also doesn't seem like the type to date his teacher either, for that matter.

But maybe I'm just reading too much into things.
Drawing random conclusions and being nosy are bad habits of mine, after all, so that is a possibility.
Anyway, that doesn't stop me from wanting to know the full story. And that's why I asked Hayden about their relationship, back at the café. Because Owen isn't telling me anything, and I'm curious as fuck.

Suddenly, the door to the nursery opens, and Hayden comes rushing out. He doesn't even look my way as he passes by and makes his way over to the bathroom.
Then, Owen also exits the nursery and walks over to me.

"Hey." I say when he arrives by the couch. "Can I have my stuffies?"

"You want your stuffies? Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yes. Can I?"
I look up at him in anticipation, and he is a little hesitant at first, but eventually smiles at me.

"Of course! Wait here, I'll go and get them for you."

When he walks back into the nursery,it doesn't take long before he comes out of there again, but this time, not empty-handed. I immediately gasp and kick my feet in excitement when I see my two stuffed friends in his hands.


I'm confused about this situation because I didn't think that William would want to do anything associated with being a little while Hayden is around. But it seems like he really has made up his mind. And if having his stuffies makes him happy, then I can't deny him that.

I hand over the dalmatian Dizzy and the alligator Olly to a really happy William, who accepts them with open arms. He hugs them tightly and then  starts playing with them right away.

He doesn't even acknowledge me as I stand here watching him, but when the bathroom door opens, he immediately takes a break and looks over there. "Hayden!" William calls out excitedly. "Come and play with me!"

The teacher's babyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora