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The fever went up and down a few times, and it took some time for me to get rid of it, but I'm finally feeling better. It's now Wednesday again, and I'm going back to school.

"No, you're not going out like that." I hear Mr. Nelson say behind me as I'm on my way out of the door in just a t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants. So, I stop in my tracks and look back at him.
"You need to wear something more than that." he tells me while putting on his coat.


"No buts. It's cold outside, and I don't want you to get sick again. So, put on a jacket and a beanie right now, mister." he says with that familiar stern daddy voice , which makes me fold right away.

"Okay..." I say and do as told.


I make my way through the crowded corridors and finally reach the lockers. I take the beanie off and leave it in my locker, but I keep the jacket on because it's not only cold outside but also inside of the school building. So, I'm actually thankful for Mr. Nelson for telling me to put on some more clothes because otherwise I would be freezing to death.

I'm not sure what lesson we have first period, and I'm too lazy to check. So, I just take my pencil and the only notebook I own with me, and hope that it will be enough.
I close my locker and scan the area with my eyes before sitting down on a nearby bench.
Noelle is supposed to be here any minute now, so I probably won't have to sit here for too long.

And just as I think that, she is standing in front of me.
"Good morning" she says with a smile.
Just one look at her, and it feels like my heart is beating out of my chest.
What the hell is going on?
Yeah, we haven't met in person in a while, but we still have been keeping contact, so why am I being so damn nervous?
"Hi" I say and smile back at her while standing up.

I follow her to her locker and wait there as she puts her backpack, jacket, and other outer garments away and gets the supplies that are needed for the first lesson.
Then, off we go.

But we don't get far because Mrs.Calloway comes our way. " Hey Hayden! I need to hand you some homework that you missed when you were gone. So, I just need you to stay behind after the lesson today so that I can give it to you. Okay?"

"Okay." I say, and Mrs Calloway gives me a displeased look while putting her hands on her hips.

" Where are your manners? It's not 'Okay', it's 'Okay, Mrs Calloway.' " she tells me while staring into my soul.
"Come on. Say it."

Ugh... I'm not in the mood to deal with her bullshit right now. Especially not in front of Noelle. But there's nothing else to do but to comply because otherwise I'll get in trouble. And that would suck, so...
I sigh and hold myself back from rolling my eyes at her.
"Okay, Mrs Calloway."

"Good." she says and pats me on the cheek before she keeps on walking. "See you in class."

Noelle and I just watch her in total silence.

If it wasn't awkward before, it's totally awkward now as we're making our way towards the classroom.
"Do you..." I start, but stop myself mid sentence. I just want to end this awkward silence, but I don't think asking her out is the way to go. Where did I even get that sudden courage from anyway? Why did I think that that was a good idea to begin with? I'm a total idiot. That's for sure.

"What?" Noelle asks and looks at me.
"N-no, it's nothing." I say nervously and immediately look away.
Damn. I really got no game...


"Do you have any plans for the weekend?" Mr Nelson suddenly asks while we sit in the car on our way home.

I mean, I am planning to ask Noelle out, but there's no guarantee that it will actually happen or that she will say yes for that matter. And I'm too embarrassed to tell Mr Nelson about that.
"No, not really. Why?"

"Because there's someone who wants to see you."

The teacher's babyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora