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The person that Hayden is describing sounds like William. But if that's true, then what is he doing here and where did he go off to?
Well, if he wants me something, he can contact me or I'll just contact him when we get home.

As we enter the parking lot, I immediately see something violent going on by one of the cars. A man with black hair is spanking and yelling at another man who is lying bent over the hood of the car while crying.
I rush over there with Hayden right behind me and notice that the person getting hurt is William.

"Let him go, NOW." I say loud and clear, which makes the man stop with what he is doing and turns around to look at me. 


"Thanks." William says. "But you didn't have to threaten to call the police on him..."

I raise an eyebrow at him through the rear view mirror.
"Really? I didn't?" I ask.
"Because he was hurting you badly and it didn't seem like he would leave you alone otherwise. I did what I had to do."

He sighs.
"Yeah, I know... and I appreciate it." he says and smiles slightly. "But don't you think that it was a little bit too much?"

I shake my head while keeping my eyes on the road.
"No, I really don't think so. What he did, on the other hand, was really too much. I probably should have called the police for real."

After I say that, we sit silently a few seconds before William decides to break the silence.
"Anyways, do you normally drive your students or is this just a one time thing?"

I get a little confused at his sudden question until I remember that Hayden is here too - he is just awfully quiet right now - and that it's probably him that William is referring to.
"Um yeah... I mean.... no, I don't normally drive my students but you see, this is a special circumstance."

"So, he is your student?" William asks curiously."And what circumstance?"
He starts to lean forward but then suddenly sits back again and looks down on his lap while he starts fidgeting with his fingers.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be too nosy..."

"No, it's okay." I say and give him an empathetic smile through the rear view mirror. "And yes, Hayden is my student. And the circumstance is probably a little too private for me to tell you about like this. It's actually up to Hayden if I can tell you or not, or if he rather wants to tell you himself."

"Okay..." William says suspiciously."Well, about that... he has fallen asleep."


After putting Hayden to bed, I walk over to the couch in the living room and sit down beside William.
He gives me a questioning look, which is understandable following the situation.
"So, what's the context here? Why are you letting your student sleep at your place and in your bed at that? Does this have anything to do with the circumstance you were talking about?"

I sigh and adjust my glasses.
"I know that I probably shouldn't do this but... okay, I'll tell you what's going on." I say and cross my arms. "But only if you first tell me what you came here for."

He nods slowly.
"Okay then..." he says while picking up Grayson, Haydens stuffed elephant that has been sitting here on the couch since this morning. He puts Grayson on his lap and plays with him while talking to me.

"To be honest... I just wanted to see you. I know that we didn't have anything planned but I missed you... so much. So I wanted to surprise you, but then my ex came, and you know the rest..."

He looks away from me and puts Grayson tightly in his arms, hugging him. Suddenly, I can hear him sniffle and I can also see tears forming in his eyes.
"Hey, buddy..." I say calmly while holding my arms out. "Come to daddy."

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