Chapter 20

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Isabella excused herself from the table and sprinted off towards the bedroom she shared with Casey. She couldn't believe they have been mutually in love with each other for a long time already without knowing. Why hadn't Casey talked to her about it? Isabella entered the room and slumped on the soft bed. She could hear Holly's rushed steps trailing behind in the hallways and her panicked voice calling for her.

"Hey, are you okay? I'm really sorry for that, Isabella! I know this wasn't the way you wanted her to find out about your feelings, I just really thought-" Holly paced in the room nervously, fingers tangled in her raven hair.

"It's fine" Isabella answered dryly, staring at the carpeted floor, trying to push her brain to comprehend everything happening. "I just need some time to think"

They stood quiet. The redhead kept staring at a very interesting blank spot on the wall that caught her attention, while Holly was anxiously chewing on her nails. A sigh left Isabella's lips. "Does she really love me?"

The raven haired dropped her hands and walked up to her, nestling her body close to the redhead. "She should be the one telling you that. You two need to talk it out once and for all. I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry again" Isabella's expression didn't change. "Aren't you happy if she does love you, though?"

"Of course I'm happy, Holly. That's, like, all I have ever wanted. It's just that it happened so suddenly. Literally last night I was in total oblivion about anything she could be feeling towards me and now both of us know we are in love and we also have a date coming. How did this even happen?" She put her elbows on her knees and covered her face with her hands. "I need time to comprehend everything. I feel bad for panicking and running away like that. I hope Casey doesn't take it the wrong way"

"I don't think she would, don't worry. If it came suddenly for you, then it must be the same for her. Maybe she also needs time to think about it" Holly rubbed Isabella's back reassuringly. "But when you feel ready, you must talk it out or it may become awkward between the two of you, and that's not what we want. A date needs to be fun and enjoyable, not uncomfortable"

"I know. I'll make sure everything is fine between us" A soft knock on the door caught their attention. "Yes?" Isabella called out.

The door slowly opened, revealing Casey hesitantly peaking her head through the crack, contemplating if it was yet a good moment to enter and cut their conversation.

"Can I come in?" she asked, still standing outside the room.

"Yeah, we are just finishing talking" Holly said and got up from the bed walking towards her. She opened the door wider and let her come inside. Casey stood nervously by the wall opposite of Isabella, biting her lips. "So, I'll leave you two discuss the matter" Holly said a little awkwardly in the midst of the thick silence before she rushed out.

Casey kept fidgeting with her fingers as she slowly made her way towards the bed and sat down, further than what Isabella would have preferred. "Um, about the date." Casey hesitantly started. "Are you still up for it?"

"Of course" Isabella answered quickly, none of them daring to look at the other. "I really want us to go"

Casey let out a breath of relief. Silence fell once again to the point they could almost hear the accelerated beating of their hearts and the rushed breaths coming out between their lips. But the loudest of all at that moment were their confusing thoughts.

Isabella suddenly chucked. "This is a little awkward, isn't it? Exactly what we should make it not be"

"Yeah, it is" Casey replied. "So, are you free tomorrow evening?"

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