Chapter 28

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Isabella and Casey stepped out of the bedroom together at the same time as the door of Isabella's parents' bedroom opened, revealing Ava holding a kitchen towel in hand. She stared at them weirdly. They felt like kids caught in bad action, frozen in place.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"I just- went to wake her up so we can go to breakfast together" Isabella quickly reasoned, trying not sound as if she was lying, which she was pretty much already doing.

"Okay, then. I made delicious waffles, let's get down before they get cold"

Isabella and Casey let out a breath of relief and followed Ava towards the kitchen. As expected, they sat comfortably on their places and devoured their tasty breakfast as quickly as possible.

"What are your plans for today, girls? Ava asked them.

"We haven't really thought about doing anything specific. We're free, I guess" Isabella answered.

"Well, it's Christmas morning so we have to give each other our gifts first before we do anything else. Finish here and come into the living room"

The blood completely drained from Casey's face as she heard Ava mention gifts. She remembered that she hadn't gotten anything for them, especially Isabella. But in her defense, she didn't have the habit of thinking about that beforehand. She could easily excuse herself and skip to buy her girlfriend something. The problem was she had no idea what Isabella could possibly want when she already had everything she needed.

Casey continued to feel bad for going empty handed as they gathered into the living room. She hoped none of them bought something for her because that was going to make her feel only more horrible than she already did. She watched as they exchanged gifts and compliments, gratitude in hugs and kisses, love in words and actions.

Ava handed Tim a velvet box hiding a silver branded watch that aperantly was one of his wishes for a very long time. He gave her a quick kiss and thanked her for the thoughtful gift. Casey watched the cute scene adoringly when she felt a nudge in her right hand that caught her attention. She turned and faced Isabella, who was sat right next to her, before getting a thin rectangular black box decorated with a cute pink ribbon handed to her.

"What's that?" Casey asked as she reached for the box.

"It's for you. Merry Christmas, baby." Isabella said softly with her adorable smile painted on her face.

"No, you shouldn't have, really. I already feel bad enough for not buying you anything. I can't take it, I'm sorry"

Isabella cupped Casey's cheek with one hand as she stared at her and easily stopped her nervous rant. She caressed her skin gently with her thumb and looked at her with eyes full of love. "What are you talking about, Casey? You already gave me everything I could ever ask for" she said almost in a whisper.

"I haven't given you anything, though" Casey protested sadly.

"Oh, my little dummy. Last night you granted me my biggest wish and the ability to do this freely" Isabella smiled and pressed their lips together in a quick passionate kiss. "You gave me yourself and that's already the best Christmas gift I've ever gotten. Remember what I told you before. I don't need anything fancy and expensive except for you"

Casey wondered what did she ever do in her life to deserve such girl like Isabella to love and be next to her. She smiled and gave her another peck on the lips.

"Now, I know this is not the same, but still take it, please" Isabella nodded towards the box in Casey's hands. "I don't know if I can be as thoughtful as you are with me, but I still hope you like it"

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