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"Isabella, please, hurry up! We are going to be late!" Casey shouted from the car's open window.

"I'm coming!" Isabella shouted back as she struggled with the keys for the house they bought together a couple of years ago, locking up before skipping quickly to the passenger seat. "How much time do we have?"

"The ceremony starts in fifteen minutes" Casey replied as she pressed the gas pedal and accelerated along the streets. She reached over the console and held Isabella's hand for the rest of the ride.

It had been tough seven years for the orphaned Kingston siblings. Casey decided to focus on her studies instead of starting a job, and finish up university with the biggest final score possible. In the beginning, they lived off with her savings, the money from the sold house and the heritage it turned out their father had left them before his death. She enrolled Danny in one of the nearby schools where he continued his education. The moment he became sixteen, he started a part time job so he could help with their finances, and eventually Casey did also. She could finally scratch the potential financial problems from her list of things she had to worry about.

Danny continued pursuing his passion for art through the years. He went to additional classes to improve his skills and participated in many regional competitions where he always placed in the honorable top three. He was a really talented kid and it made Casey really happy that he stuck to his childhood hobby and eventually decided to make it his life career. He was already eighteen and graduating from the top school in New York with the intention to continue his education in one of the best art schools in the whole country.

Isabella didn't leave their side for even a second. She was always there to help with anything, at anytime, and showed the siblings immense support. She kept her promise to teach Casey how to cook so she could do it herself whenever the brunette wasn't able to. They introduced Danny to her parents, Carly and Holly a few weeks after he moved in with Casey and, needless to say, they absolutely fell in love with the little guy just as he did with them.

They sometimes left him for a sleep over whenever Isabella and Casey needed some alone time together, knowing he was in good hands. A year into their relationship, the girls finally decided to move in together, given that Isabella spent most of her time at her girlfriend's apartment anyways. They rented a new bigger one with combined resources, where the couple and Danny had their own separate rooms.

Isabella and Casey grew up beautifully. Now reaching the great mark of twenty-six, they both looked more mature and sophisticated. Casey's once short black hair now cascade down her back into a new shinier tone, while Isabella's still as pretty as ever ginger locks now reached up to her shoulder-blades. They have been many times mistaken for a family as they walked around along with Danny by their side.

Even though he wasn't their actual kid, they treated him as one. They gave him the love and care real parents would have given their child, took him to the beach in the hot summers, played in the snow during the freezing winters, went hiking in the warm spring, explored the big unknown for him city together and took him to places he had only seen on TV throughout his life, watching the amusement build-up in his innocent brown eyes. They made sure he felt safe around them to the point he could trust them with his darkest secrets, problems and concerns.

Growing up around Danny really fueled their desire to start their own little happy family and showed them what a beautiful thing it was to raise a child. Eventually, on their forth year as a couple, they decided to adopt a few months old baby boy from an orphanage for kids that have been left behind from their parents. 

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