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I was going to try and finish my story before publishing any more and then just give you the rest all at once instead of bit by bit. But I've have NO TIME at all lately and I wrote these back in October and I just felt like publishing them today. I still can't promise the rest will come quickly or consistently :( but enjoy these!



Niall Horan

An electrical explosion. That's what Paul texted that last night's chaos was caused by. The city is still investigating if it was a random fluke or if it was deliberate.

You see enough horrible shit on the news and it really makes your mind go to the worst place. The explosion sounded like a gun shot and I was terrified about the unknown.

Kate started to stir on the other side of the bed so I put my phone down, worried the light was waking her. I need to fall back asleep. It's way too early to think about getting up but I woke up and my mind started racing about last night's events.

When shit hit the fan I felt so helpless and vulnerable but the one thing I could control was keeping Kate close to me. She had never clung to me like that. For once I welcomed it.

She looked so peaceful on the other side of the bed, the hint of a smile on her sleeping face.

She should be sleeping well. She came twice last night.

That's exactly what I should not say to her when she wakes up. That's the kind of joking and casual comment that pushes us more towards being just friends with benefits.

I do want more but I'm no good at getting us there.

I'm glad our fight was basically forgotten without us having to talk about it. Hopefully neither of us ever brings it up again.

Last night, oh god last night was incredible. We're just physically good together. It's as natural as breathing.

When I finished and collapsed on her she held me close, her vice grip keeping me from retreating like I usually do. I won't forget the look in her eyes. It was a challenge, demanding I stay close to her.

Kate curled into me in her sleep, pulling me back to the present.

I wrapped my arm around her and gently trailed my hand up her naked back and back down to her ass.

"So you do cuddle," she mumbled into me, giving me a bit of a start.

"I thought you were still asleep," I said quietly.

"And you wouldn't have held me if you knew I wasn't?"

"Kate," I sighed. "Don't push it."

"Oh I plan to."

She tossed her leg over mine and pressed her lips to my neck.

"It's not even six in the morning. You really ready for more?" I asked.

"I'm making up for lost time." She trailed kisses slowly down my chest and I tangled my hand in her hair. "Do you want to?"

"Babe, of course I want to."

"You're so hard to read," she said shyly.

"Well I'm hard, all right. Nothing difficult to read about that."

She let out a dorky snort of a laugh. "Clever."

Kate moved lower, her fingers curiously playing with the hair on my chest and down my stomach. It was fun watching her watch me. Her eyes were slow to take it all in. Her gaze felt intimate but it didn't have me wanting to bail on this. Quite the opposite, I wouldn't mind her mouth following after her eyes on that same path.

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