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Kate Marshall

Oslo meant the whole routine was about to start back over again. We have today to relax and recover from traveling, tomorrow we will rehearse and have sound check at the venue, the next day is show day, and then we will be off to the next city again. It's a whirlwind and I love it and feel consumed by it at the same time.

Again we were offered the opportunity of a night out. I no longer feel grateful for it, it feel like they probably just want to try and stage more pictures of Liam and me. But hey, I'll go get a little tipsy and then end the night with Niall in my bed.

Maybe he's right about me being a little unstable lately. I truly can't get enough of him. I hope he's as eager about our arrangement as I am.

Tonight is going to be a little different because the team rented out a bar and the entire road crew is welcome. So it will be our private party, not the usual packed public bar. It might be kind of nice. The road crew sure works harder than us. Honestly they deserve the night out more than us. Also, maybe that means it's not an attempt to stage pictures of me with Liam.

"Hey, Kate." I turned at the sound of that now familiar voice in this crowded bar.

"Henry! Hi," I greeted. "I didn't know you would be here." There are so many people here. It's incredible it takes this many people just to make our tour happen.

"Yep, I'm back for the time being."

"What now? Are you here to draw up a contract for an arranged marriage for me or something?" He cracked a smile so I could tell immediately that he took my joke well.

"Married to a guy from One Direction. Oh to be so unlucky," he said sarcastically. "Or so my sister would say," he quickly added.

I laughed. "Your sister, huh?"

"Yeah I realized that sounded funny."

"Hey, they're attractive guys! I wouldn't have judged you."

"If you of all people aren't convinced I'm not gay then it's a lost cause!"

Now I was really laughing. What a way to break the ice about our hooking up awhile back. I'm starting to feel like maybe I was worried for nothing. Henry isn't the type of guy to lord it over me. He seems kind.

"Are you ready to get that drink now?" Henry asked.

"Sure thing!" I followed him to the bar. We each ordered a gin and tonic and sat down. "So what had you wanted to talk about? It's been awhile since Brussels."

"It's just," he started but then hesitated. "I just wanted to assure you I plan to be completely professional despite, you know."

"Thanks, Henry."

"I really am sorry."

"You said that already. It's okay."

"It's not though. Legally I should have disclosed that we had... met before."

"Really?" I'm glad he settled on the word met, but I imagine he means he would have had to share a bit more detail.

"Both my firm and the label want to avoid any sort of conflict of interest. When they asked if there was potential for one I lied because, well, this is the biggest and most important account I've landed in my career. I couldn't..."

"I get it. I'm learning better than anyone that sometimes you have to cut some corners you're not always proud of."

"How's that going? With Liam I mean?" Henry asked.

"It's not going as far as I'm concerned. But still there have managed to be fake gossip stories online."

It hit me that if those pictures were set up by the label, Henry would surely be aware. My gaze turned accusatory. I don't mean to wear every emotion on my face but still, I often unintentionally do.

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