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Kate Marshall

I'm all ready to go. I've had so much water that I don't know how I'll make it through the show without peeing. I warmed up my voice for an excessive amount of time. Jess left my hair in perfect curls and my makeup done. I'm loving this black leather mini skirt and matching top, kind of like a two piece dress. There's nothing more I can do but wait.

I'm supposed to go on in ten minutes. If they go anything like the last ten minutes, they'll feel like an eternity. I have that feeling like when you're about to take a test and you just want the hell to begin already because the sooner the hell begins, the sooner the hell ends.

Not that I think performing will be hell. It will be a dream come true. Once I get comfortable out there.

I know every word. Of course I do — I wrote them! I've practiced where to stand at each moment of every song a hundred times. I've got this.

Even if it goes poorly, I only am playing ten songs. It will be over soon enough.

I heard my dressing room door open.

"Kate, it's time."

"Okay." I stood a little shakily and followed the stagehand to the stage entrance. I was handed my earpiece and situated it. Now or never.

Someone asked, "Ready?"

I nodded.

"Good evening, Cardiff!" A voice rang throughout the stadium. I heard excited screams. "Are you all excited for One Direction?" Deafening cheers filled my ears, only slightly muffled by the earpiece. "Before they come out, we have a talented artist for you, the guys are real excited for you to hear, please give a warm welcome to miss Kate Marshall!"

Cheers. There were actual cheers! A fraction of what the boys received, obviously and understandably, but I would have been happy with a single whoop and holler.

Someone gave me a nudge. I took a step forward, another one, another, and I was to where I could be seen.

I mustered all the confidence I had as I moved to the microphone in the middle of the stage while the band started playing the beginnings of my opening song. I gave the crowd a little wave on my way then took the mic from its stand.

The lights really do make it hard to see very far. And of the people I can see, a fair amount of them seem preoccupied. It's not like they came for me. It's actually so reassuring to remember that the majority of them don't care at all how I do!

I came in not a beat late and began to sing my first song, an upbeat number from the new album.

From that point on, the show flew by. It was truly a blur. Although I vividly remember on my last song hearing voices in the crowd singing along with me. They know it! It's my single the label really promoted and it has more plays than any of my others on Spotify. I'm flattered. But just like that it was all over.

"Thanks for letting me share my music with you," I told the crowd. "Get excited for One Direction because they sure are excited for you! They've been talking about what amazing crowd you always are all week." The crowd cheered, beside themselves with excitement for the boys. "Thanks again. Goodnight, Cardiff!"

Just like that, I had survived my first show in front of tens of thousands.

I was giddy. This was going to be the best summer of my life. I spent the rest of the night moving around, all my energy unable to subside. I watched most of the boys' set from backstage. They're so talented and confident and comfortable out there and just Something about Niall all sweaty...

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