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Kate Marshall

If I were a sane person of sound mind, I would tell Laura to please make sure I didn't drink too much and then go up to Niall.

I am neither of those things.

I blamed it on not wanting to break up her fun – it looks like she and this guy are really hitting it off – but actually I just don't want anyone to be the voice of reason right now.

I went to the bar and ordered another vodka water, a double with extra lime.

I was dancing and drinking and having fun. I was meeting people and chatting and living it up in a pretty little dress. But still I kept glancing around for him.

This party has been especially fun because, while Matt is friends with Harry and other famous people are here as a result, I would still say the majority of people are not famous, they're just his normal friends.

I decided to blend in and be one of the normals. I mean, I basically am. No one would recognize me anyway. But I didn't discuss the album with anyone or draw any of that sort of attention to myself.

My feet started to hurt from being on them so when the conversation I was in found an end, I went and sat at the bar.

"How many of these is too many?" I asked the bartended, holding up my vodka.

He laughed at me. "Depends on how many you've had," he replied.

"I've had...two less than whatever you claim is too many." That is certainly false. He laughed again and started making me another.

"Whatever she'd like, it's on me," a new voice said from behind. I turned to find this stranger approaching me. He's got that look. The look of someone who is just a little too attractive to the point that they must know they're attractive and it kind of ruins it.

I looked him in his pretty brown eyes. "It's an open bar."

I grabbed my drink, deciding if I should leave or not. His suit is obnoxiously fancy.

"Wow do I look like an idiot. I just got here," he explained.

"You're not an idiot. I just am being..."

"You're being distractingly beautiful and I made the mistake of thinking I could come over here and be smooth. I should've known better."

"You don't think it's working?" I asked. I can't decide if he's blowing smoke or not.

"Well considering I was shot down five seconds after I opened my mouth..."

"I can be a little too sassy," I explained. "Sorry."

"No problem. It was confident. I liked it."


"George," he introduced himself, extending his hand.

"Kate," I replied, meeting his handshake.

"Nice to meet you." He sat down in the chair beside me and ordered a dirty martini.

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