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"Wait so, you're all...supernatural?" Kira asked confused.

"Not me, or Stiles. Don't worry, we're just your average humans," I say giving her a grin.

"So a banshee, two werewolves and a werewolf hunter?" She asks.

"Yup, that's about it all," Scott says, he sighs. "Look Kira I know it's a lot to process but do you remember when you were kidnapped?"

Kira nods, shivering at the memory.

"Well, remember the photo? And the yellow glow that outlined you?" Stiles asks cutting in.

"Yes...?" Kira says trailing off.

"Well, we sort of asked your mum and she explained to us that you are an um..." Lydia turns to Scott. "How do I say it?"

"A Kitsune," I say, Kira will know better what we're talking about than we do.

"You're joking right?" Kira asks in a whisper.

I take Isaacs's arms off of me and walk over to her, placing an arm on her shoulder and giving her shoulder a wee squeeze. "Is it really so hard to believe Kira? After everything...weird that's happened?" I whisper to her.

"I don't know, I don't know anything anymore," Kira says placing her head in her hands. She removes her head from her hands to smile at me. "Must be weird to feel like an outsider in a group of freaks,"

I smile back at her and look to Stiles, who is smiling too.

"We're just plain old teenagers. How boring, right?" Stiles says sarcastically.

I turn to Isaac, "you're my favourite freak." I say smiling up at him. He smiled back

"Always and forever?" He asks.

"Always and forever." I mummer back, Isaac leans down to kiss me just as Lydia clears her throat.

"Guys, we're in public, save the puppy eyes for another time," Lydia says slightly snappy.

"Kira do you know anything about a nogitsune?" Allison asks her politely.

Kira turns to Allison. "Well, yea. Kitsunes are supposed to be mischievous and cause trouble but a Nogistune is a dark Kitsune. It feeds off chaos and strife. It's pretty much a demon, but a fox. Not something you want to run into regardless of why you can do it. According to the legends, it gets into your head and messes with you in every way possible. But they don't really exist and we don't have to worry about them...right?"

Kira looks at our faces and clearly finds the answer. "What the hell did you guys do?" She asks her voice shaking.

"Well, it's nice to finally know what we realised from the nemeton. Great job everyone," Isaac says sarcastically.

"How will we find the stupid thing? It could be anywhere, possessing anyone," Stiles mummers. "Fuck, we should've just listened to Deaton. We shouldn't have done it." He massages his temples and sighs.

"Guys, we did the right thing. We can't go regretting every choice we made in the past. We can't change it. We just have to figure out what we need to do," Allison says looking around at everyone.

"Kira," I say turning to her, "does your mum know much about other Japanese history and legends?" I ask.

Kira nods, "Way more than me for sure."

"Do you reckon she might be able to help us figure out who the Nogistune might be possessing?" I ask, fingers crossed.

"Yeah maybe. How about we go see her tomorrow morning, for tonight we don't we all just carry on with our plans? I'm still down for Lydia's sleepover." Kira says smiling at me.

"Sleepover?" Isaac gasp dramatically, letting go of me.

"And you guys didn't even think to invite us?" Stiles says gasping. "Well, now I'm offended,"

I laugh at them both.

"If you want we can all hang out at my place for a while? My parents left for their big trip this morning so it's just me for now." I say, shrugging my shoulders. "Just say you were staying the night at someone's house and we can all just talk it out at my place."

We all look around at each other and there seems to be a mutual sort of understanding and agreement.

"Well, I'll have to make a trip home and get all the stuff I had that was planned for tonight then," Lydia says sighing.

I fake a grimace and Allison shudders.

Isaac must feel me tense. "What's wrong?" He asks confused.

"Lydias going to make us play dress up like we're 5-year-olds again, isn't she?" Stiles asks with a mock sigh.

Kira and Allison nod as I laugh.

"Right, guess I'm bringing the strongest alcohol I can find," Isaac says jokingly.

"Stiles and I are in," Says Scott with a grin.

"Of course we are, I'm the life of the party," Stiles says smiling.

I look over to Kira and Allison. "And you two are still in as well right?" I ask them.

"Yea of course!" Allison says excitedly.

"Definitely, this might be my first big sleepover," Kira says laughing.

"Sweet! Meet me at my place in 20, okay? Lydia, can you give me a ride to my place so that I can set up?" I ask her. I'm actually really excited to have everyone over and it surprises me.

"Okay sure, as long as you hurry up a little, I still have to get home to get all the stuff I had ready for tonight, and more since there will be seven us now not four," Lydia says hunting around in her purse for her car keys, even though she has them in her other hand.

Isaac, Stiles and Scott groan and I smile.

"Should we be scared?" Stiles asks looking at Allison and me.

"Oh you should be absolutely terrified," I say grinning.

"Like shitting yourself terrified," Allison adds.

"If you're not scared, you aren't human," Kira jokes.

Lydia frowns at us. "It's not that bad you know. You're all just overdramatic." She says sourly.

"Oh, yeah sorry my mistake. Just manicures, pedicures, facials," I say smiling.

Allison and Kira laugh and even Lydia can't hold back a smile as the three boys look absolutely clueless.

I gasp dramatically, "I forgot one! God, how could I forget makeovers!"

This gets the four of us all laughing for no reason at all. Scott, Stiles and Isaac just look at us with disapproval.

It's moments that are like this that make me glad that I went with Stiles and Scott to go and find a dead body. Without Scott getting bitten we might not have been as close as we are now and we definitely wouldn't have been friends with all of the people we know now.

Okay so that's rewritten chapter 5, I would just like to say I didn't like this when I wrote it the first time and i despise it now. I'm so sorry.

thoughts? >>>

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