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a/n before the chapter begins. thank you all so so so much for 21k reads and 90 followers. you guys have no idea how much that means to me. also! this is the 50th chapter of my book! crazy how long this has been going on, I started writing on the 10th of July last year and we've come so far! enjoy the chapter!


I was sitting on my bed reading Twilight about an hour after Void had left to go and see someone, he hadn't told me who but I hadn't really been listening anyways.

I stared at the pages in front of me and tried to focus on the words I had been staring at for 20 minutes, but my brain kept dragging me back to mere hours ago. I tried to shake the thoughts from my head but they were very...persistent. I could still feel Void's hand on my back and taste his lips on my own. Without even thinking about it I ran a finger over my lips with a small smile.

I slammed the book shut and stored it back on my bookshelf, I should probably head back to Scott's house anyway. He'd be wondering where I'm at by now.

I tied up the house a little before racing back up to my room to grab a raincoat as it had started raining. I run out to my car and let out a satisfied sigh. Nothing could ruin this day for me. 

I jumped a little as I heard a banging on my window. I turned and saw it was Isabella and cursed under my breath, I had spoken too soon clearly. She's glaring at me and I ignore the desire to drive off and leave her behind. I wind down the window and force a fake smile into my face. 

"Isabella," I say through gritted teeth. 

"Where's Void?" She demands ignoring my greeting completely.

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't see how it's your concern."

She clenches her jaw as she glowers down at me. "Tell me."

"Why should I?" I ask with a small smile as I force my eyes to flash purple and she takes a fast stumbling step back.

"Freak!" Isabella hisses at me and I smile at her as I start the car. 

"You say that like it's a bad thing sweetheart," I say with a wink as I drive away from her and I can't help but laugh. 

— — 

When I arrive back at Scott's house I let out a small yawn, I was tired at this point, the day's events had tired me out. I stopped a few meters short of the door, the day's events. Allison.

Her death hit me like a wave again and I felt my body sag against the front door, suddenly everything with Void felt tarnished and trampled. What the hell had I done? I'd gone to confront him, scream at him, maybe even kill him and I'd ended up- well, doing none of that.  

I felt a sob rising in my throat as the door behind me opens and I stumbled backwards into the house. I hear someone let out a surprised yelp as I fall onto my ass. 

"Fuck, sorry Malena, I didn't see you." A voice says from behind me and I realise it's Scott. He offers me a hand to help me up and I take it gratefully and try to hide the fact I had just been crying. 

"Where are you guys headed?" I ask noticing Scott had his raincoat on and that Lydia has her car keys in hand. 

"To see Deaton, want to come?" Scott asks and I nod, 

"Also, can we take your car? Mine's really really low on gas." Lydia chimes in softly from behind him and I roll my eyes as I chuck her my car keys. 

"Fine, but you have to top mine up," I say with a sigh. 

Lydia smiles a small smile and I know that she's not going to but I'm past caring. 

— — 

We stand around the counter designated for fixing up injured animals at the Animal Medical Clinic as Scott and Lydia fill Deaton in on what had been happening. 

I hadn't actually realised we were going there to scheme ways in which we could trap Void but I stayed dead quiet the whole time. 

"Stiles and Kira said it was the Nemeton that kept it trapped," Scott says with a small tired sigh. 

"The problem is, this isn't even a person you're fighting-- it just looks like one. It's a spirit that's taken the shape of a human."

"The shape of our best friend," I whisper quietly. 

"Someone caught it once. Someone can do it again, right?" Lydia asks her voice stiff with emotion. 

"I don't know... This thing was trapped a long time ago, before the Nemeton was cut down. It doesn't have the same power anymore." Deaton says sounding uneasy. 

"Is there anything that does?" Scott asks exasperatedly. 

"Possibly..." Deaton turns to us, clearly emersed in thought. "When the tree was whole, its wood was sometimes used to contain powerful objects. But those objects are very rare."

"Wait a second-- powerful objects? Like an Alpha's claws?" Lydia asks and I turn to her. 

"Lydia no!" I hiss to her under my breath. We were not going to Peter Hale for help again. 

"Which Alpha?" Deaton inquires as he turns to look at us both. 

"Talia Hale," I say with a small sigh. 

"Peter had them in this wooden box with a triskele carved on the lid. What if it was made from the Nemeton?" Lydia asks and Deaton smiles a little. 

"It was," Deaton says simply. 

"How do you know?" Scott asks quickly. 

"Because I made it," Deaton says smiling. 

— — 

"Derek's got the triskele box. He's gonna meet us." Scott says as he puts his phone back into his pocket. 

I nod slowly but feel a sick rush to my stomach and I stumble back a few steps. I let out a small gasp and beside me, I hear Lydia do the same. Something felt off, something was wrong. 

"What's wrong?" Deaton asks hurriedly.

"Somethings happening," I say with a gasp. 

"I had this sudden rushing feeling like we're running out of time," Lydia says and I nod in agreement. 

"Yea." I hear from the doorway and I turn to see Stiles being supported by Kira. "I kind of got that feeling to." 

— — 

🤪 so i thought i would be able to wrap everything up this chapter. i was wrong, exceedingly so because i rewatched the ep to write this and there is so much more i have to write, so i hope you guys enjoy that. 

also, can i just thank you all again for the number of reads and votes I'm getting every day? it means so so much to me and i love you all so much! 

thoughts on the chapter? — — — —>

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant