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I watched as she sat still, so drained of life, so tired looking. I was almost positive we had got the wrong person. There was no way this was the Malena James we had been warned about. She didn't have the aura of a supernatural being. How on earth were we supposed to confirm if she was a part of the supernatural world if she was so convinced that she wasn't. I had watched her for a while, and she is so sure she is normal and everyone else around her seems to have come to the same conclusion. Even her best friend Scott McCall, who is literally an Alpha and should be able to smell that she isn't human. Unless she is masking it.

As I watch her through the tinted glass, I turn to my boss.

"She can't be a Chimera, look at her." I say gesturing to the room next door. "What two creatures do you even think she's a mix of?" I scoff.

"You idiot. She doesn't have to look like a Chimera." My boss scoffs. "Did you forget that she was dumped into the water as a sacrifice of the Nemitarn as well as being born, you know,"he gestures to her and mutters something else under her breath as he turns away from the window.

"Then why did we have to tell her she wasn't special? And that no one would come for her?" I am confused.

"Because, you dipshit," He hisses. "We don't need her somehow to find a way to communicate that she is supernatural if she does escape from us. We've already got enough suspicious people sniffing around at our work, we don't need anyone else. Especially not Scott McCall."

I can't do anything but agree with him on that. We turn back to the window and wait for her to make some kind of movement. Just something to prove we had picked the right person.


Malena had kissed me, no not me. The stupid-disgusting parasite that had possessed me but was absent at the moment. I slumped into my seat for physics. Now she was missing and no one but me knew. I didn't know what to do.

Mr Harris called on someone but I didn't bother to look up, I was going over everything that had happened recently and trying to make a mental timeline of when she was taken. The whole Isaac and Allison thing, Malena breaking up with him, then kissing me but not me, then the Nogitsune and Malena sharing comments and moments that made no sense to me and then her being taken. It must've been 8-9 days ago now. I furrow my eyebrows in frustration because I don't know what to think anymore.

So I flick my attention to Mr Harris, who is writing on the board. I narrow my eyes at the letters as they jumble and mix till it gets so bad the letters aren't even readable. I scoff slightly and Scott, who's beside me, turns to me with a raised eyebrow and I pretend like I'm writing something down. He turns his attention back to the board and I'm free to ponder what I will do about everything that's happening. Just as I am about to continue my thinking I feel the Nogistune take over my mind once again.


It was the 9th day of being stuck in the tiny room that held me. I didn't sleep, how could I? I felt so emotionally drained that I couldn't tell if I was tired or just waiting. Waiting for someone to come back and talk to me, waiting for my friends to save me. Waiting for anyone. I hadn't eaten much, the meals weren't even sent in with a person, just skimmed across the floor till they reached my feet and the shackles were automatically loosened so I could reach the tray and eat from it, but not enough leeway so I could escape.

I would stay looking down at the food till it was taken back away, again with some sort of thing that moved without human interaction and the shackles would tighten again. I craved something, even if it was hearing footsteps or a shuffle of feet. I was starved of noise. I had started hearing these voices in my head and it was beginning to freak me out. Voices that whispered too low for me to hear or understand, but were definitely distinguishable to be saying something.

I was done with, done with being trapped and feeling broken. So the next time the food was slid out I collected myself and said something.

"How does it feel to know you kidnapped a child?" I asked into the dark, I heard the movements stall and someone turn around.

"You hardly count as a child." The voice said back. It was the same one as before.

"But you still kidnapped me." I say, faking confidence, I smirk slightly. "Which, last time I checked, was illegal." I chuckled quietly.

"Don't talk to her." Another voice snaps. This one was a new voice.

"Oh so there's two of you." I say smiling, "that'll be nice to know when I escape and report you to the police."

The two voices laugh, one laugh was loud and full of warmth the other was cold and hard.

"You won't be leaving here to tell anyone, anything, if you somehow manage to escape you won't be in your right mind anyways. Go back to being quiet, it was nice." The new voice said.

"They'll come for me. They will." I said quietly. I was unsure if I was saying this to my captives or myself.

"Right," the first voice said. "Keep telling yourself that."

The door shuts and for the first time in nine days I let sleep take control of my body.


I sit up and see my arms aren't held down by anything but I'm still seated in the chair, I'm free, I think. I was ready to go, to run and never turn back. I stand up shakily but I barely have time to prepare to hear the voices in my head again, louder than ever before. I scream, holding my head and rocking on my heels. I burned everywhere, I felt like I had grabbed the burning end of a straightening iron in my hand, but when I tried to drop it there was nothing there. I felt like I was being roasted above and open fire, boiling from the inside out.

Help! I sobbed out hoping for anyone, when I look up again I see all of my friends standing above me. I look at them all desperate for help, screaming for them to help me. Slowly and in sync they all turn to me and whisper, This is your fault. It's all your fault. I shuddered and moved backwards, the burning getting stronger and more painful as they moved forward and advanced on me and the whispering turned to shouting.

Stop. I choked out. Stop! They ignored me and continued walking towards me. I couldn't bear it anymore. I screamed my loudest and faded into unconsciousness as they walked over me and stomped down on me everywhere on my body. My head, my legs, my arms and my stomach. There was no escaping my fate.


well that chapter 13 rewritten!


a void in the heart - void stiles¹Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang