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I'm sitting on a stool in front of my mom who is making coffee for herself when I realise I'm going to be late.

"Mom, I have to go!" I say through a mouth full of food.

My mother looks over her shoulder at the clock on the wall behind her, also coming to the same revelation. She lets out a sigh. "Go on then! I'll tell your father you're leaving. Please don't get into a car crash on the way to school, sweetheart. We haven't finished season 7 of Gilmore Girls yet!"

I shake my head with a smile as I grab my bag and shove my books and computer into it. "Mom, we've rewatched the show at least 7 times."

She laughs as she hands me a cup full of fresh coffee and kisses my head. "See you after school, honey.'

I give her a hug and then I hear my dad running down the stairs. "Wait! Don't forget about your old man!" He says with a grin.

I give him a kiss on the cheek and a fast hug before picking my stuff up and rushing to find my car keys. "Bye guys! Love you!"

My parents are standing together behind the kitchen counter as I reach for the front door handle. "Love you too sweetie." I hear my dad call and then I throw the door open.

When I open the door I'm suddenly thrown forward into a dark room I don't recognise. I look around, trying to figure out where the hell I am but I'm greeted with pure darkness.

"Hello?" I call out, my voice echoes around the room and there is no response.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and shine the light that comes from the home screen around the room.

I notice a symbol on the ground, a sort of mark. And that's when I realise where I am. The Beacon Hills bank.

I crouch down to get a better look at the symbol, and sure enough, it is the Druid one that led us to Scott's boss, Deaton and to where Cora and Boyd were being held.

And it's where Derek found the body of one of my best friends, Erica Reyes.

I stand up and wipe the tear that had formed on my cheek as I continue looking around the room.

"Is anybody there?" I call out again.

This time the echo is cut short by someone calling my name. "Malena!" I hear the voice call and I spin around. "Malena! Help!"

I turn towards the sound, recognising the voice. "Rika?" I call and I hear another cry. "Erica? Is that you?"

Suddenly there's a scraping sound and I shine my torch in the direction to see someone standing up.

"Erica?" I whisper and she turns to me, her face is covered in bruises and I can see the veins beneath her skin, striking me by surprise. "Rika? What happened to you?" I whisper.

She shuffles one foot in front of her other. "You were supposed to save me." She hisses and I take a step backwards. "You were the only one who could save me!"

She begins to get closer and closer, at a faster and faster rate, whispering the same things.

I turn around, to run back out the door I came in, but find Erica moving towards me from that direction too.

"This is your fault! All of it is your fault! I'd still be alive right now if it weren't for you!" She screams.

"I'm so sorry, Rika!" I whisper and I feel a tear roll down my cheek as she gets closer. "I'm so so sorry."

And then, I turn around again and find myself stumbling through the doors of Beacon Hills High School.

Isaac is standing in front of me with a smile. "Hey, love!"

I look around, confused and unsure of how I even got to the school, much less the bank. "Isaac?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow confused.

"Yes?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I, um. I- never mind." I say rubbing a hand over my arm which was now covered in goosebumps. I look over my shoulder one last time before turning back to him. "Let's go to Econmics." 

— — —

so, i needed to create more trauma for the gal so she is now being haunted by her dead bestie 😍🤞

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon