Meeting The Boys

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{Your POV}

I wake up and walk to the bathroom to take a shower and as soon as I take my T-shirt off I get total regrets just by seeing the large "X" Carved into my chest that turned into a scar a long time ago. God I hated it.. but I stop thinking about it and take a 5 minute shower, when I get out I put some tomboy cloths on (Up top) and go downstairs to get a granola bar for a quick breakfast and some water and went back upstairs and into my recording room and put everything down on my desk and then put my Vr on. I go onto VrChat to scare other players as my custom demon skin that had Dragon wings, gaint horns, and has some armored claws and was called a glow demon so I chose that skin and hoped into a world.

I say my intro while muted, "Hey what's going on guy's and welcome back to annnother video that you all have asked me to do with my glow demon skin! And I'm going to scare some children!" I say happily, and as I'm scanning the whole area I see a group of five and it looks like they are in a discord call, but luckily for me my skin can turn invisible. So I turn invisible and I walk into the middle of them all and I turn visible and in my best demon voice I sorta scream and sorta yell. They all fral their arms around and unmute their mic's "Where the fuck did you come from pendecà!" The Mexican said. "Wait a minute are you who I think you are??? Are you EddieVr/SpecialEd?".

"Wait your a woman!?!" One of the other ones say, "Um yeah, but I'm guessing you are Josh, Mully, Juicy, Narrator and Eddie" I said "Yup, you got that correct! Also nice skin! Where did you get it?" Narrator asked. "I made it I have a lot more then I made an SCP version of a demon" I said. "Wow Cabronè" Eddie said. We all friend each other and I give them my discord and my YouTube channel and we all chatted for a while and make a couple skits and jokes around for awhile. "Shit I gotta go, Anyway amigos if you want to see another video just comment down below and don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell icon so you. Never. Miss another video. And also don't forget to Hit that like button which would really mean alot and don't forget but today I am releasing my newest merch That says Jackass on the sleeves and with phionex on the front anyway I'll see you guys in the next video Bye Amigos!" And I end my outro. I take the headset off and make some homemade Chinese ramen for dinner, until I get a text from the discord chat

(Y - You, E - Eddie, N - Narrator, J - Josh, M - Mully, Bg - Big goosey)

E - When is Pax Dawg, also where is it being held at?

Y - Ummm I think in L.A.?

N - Yep it's in L.A. in a couple months

E - Cool

J - Well then it looks like everyone in this chat goes even Y/N

Y - Like as in a group?

J - Well yep and I just got another email from PAX saying that it's gonna be starting in a couple weeks.

N - Damn, Well ok who lives in L.A.?

Y - I do! And I also have plenty of space in my house!

Bg - Nice!

E - cool dawg! Wait I just noticed that mully isn't typing

J - he's typing away to his girlfriend 😒

Y - Oh well I gotta eat so I can do a human fall flat video with my sister in a bit

You all say your goodbyes and you eat some homemade Chinese ramen

I finished eating and went back to my recording room and played some human fall flat with my sister

~Time Skip to outro~

"Anyway that's all I have for today Now if you liked the video then drop a like and subscribe so you never miss another video Adios Peeps" I say then and my video "Anyway Milo imma Go to bed talk to you later doofus" "Yeah ok bye emo!" After that I chuckle a bit and end our call until I get a text from Eddie.

(Y - You, E - Eddie)

E - What's up Cabronè??

Y - Nothin' much just got done with a video with Milo

E - Cool Dawg! Anyway the boys where tryna get ahold of you because you weren't responding to the messages, so are you gonna pick us up at the airport?

Y - Yup!

E - Cool anyway it might be late for you imma go now and let you rest, also are We are coming in tomorrow night?

Y - No I'd say like next week

E - oh okay, thanks dawg

Y - no problem anyway cya

E - Bye

I get into some baggy sweat pants and a Large T-shirt and start plugging everything In and turning everything off in the house and I go to bed

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