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We all make our way inside PAX and walk around for a bit inside. "Whoa this place is HUGE!" I say like a little kid. Eddie chuckles and wraps his arm around me. "Well there is a lot more to see than just this." Eddie says. "Hey I heard they made the place bigger from last year." Narrator said. "That's right they did, let's split up into groups of two to explore more places in here." I said. Juicy was in a group with Narrator while mully and Josh grouped up leaving me and Eddie. "Well that's weird- But oh well" I say. Me and Eddie goes one way while the rest went their ways to explore. We continued to walk a bit more until outta nowhere I just get picked up by Eddie and was now on his shoulders. "What are you doing Eddie?!" I say obviously shocked. "Letting you get off better view Obviously" he said. I try to sit up straight but failed miserably and almost fell backwards, but Eddie placed his hands on my thighs to keep me from falling and wobbling. His touch made me feel secure in his embrace, I lightly wrapped my arms around his neck and layed my chin on his head.

We continued to walk some more until we came across some game prizes so I fell backwards on purpose landed on my hands and basically did a back hand spring. "Y/n please never do that again because I thought you broke your neck when you just fell off me" Eddie said with a worried expression. "I'm fine Eddie, I jumped down 'cause I saw a big prize with a vr zombie shooting thing" I said walking over to the Vr Zombie Shooting survival Game. "Awe God damnit" I said. "What?" Eddie asked me. "There is only one vr to even play on" I pouted. "I'll play for you and get you the highest price" Eddie Said Proudly. "Pft- Okay Mr. Show off" I said with a smirk. Eddie gets on and starts to play for a while, but kept getting scared and shooting everywhere missing Many times until it was game over. "Awe fuck" Eddie said looking at the score he got. He didn't do to bad but for the biggest prize you need to get at least 100,000 points, and Eddie only got 100.

"Put you big boy pants on cause it's gonna get very deadly In here" I say putting the vr on. And it was a full vr body suit, which was amazing meaning I can dodge things. The game started and I was able to choose my weapons and Eddie did this but I thought it was only a shooting game, but no youcan choose your weapon of choice so I chose Snake eye Throwing knives. I got ready to fight nasty beasts and when the first zombie came at me from behind and I did a full back hand spring and lunged at the zombie with full force, cutting it's head off. The game kept going on for a while with doing some crazy stunts. After the game was done I took of the headset and looked at my score and my score was over 100,000 and was 250,000, I fist pumped the air. "Whoohoo Baby! Now that's what I call survival" I say taking everything off of me from the game. "Wow I'm suprised even a girl could beat me in a game like this" Eddie said in suprise.

I walk up to Eddie and place a hand on his shoulder. "Hey it's ok you did your best and don't overlook yourself with not being good at something cause you are good at one thing Eddie" I say. "And what's that?" He asked a bit sad. "Being you, and actually making other people be their selves Expesily me. Eddie you have helped me through my darkest times before I actually met you, and it means alot to me, knowing you kept me going and that's the one thing I love about you, because you are you and unique in your own way" I tell Eddie. Eddie hugs me and buries his face into my shoulder. "Thank you
Y/n, today you taught me something" Eddie said. "No you taught me something and I repeated to you ya doofus, C'mon lets get our prize and meet the guys at the stage or wherever we find them" I said to Eddie Ruffling his hair.

We both get a prize and they are pretty decent prizes cause I got some of Eddie's merch and he  got some of mine, I have already put the hoodie on that I got and Eddie put his new hoodie on and bandana on his head that says Jackass across it. We make our way to the stage to see if the guys are there, and they where they where getting ready behind stage curtains. "Hey Boys" I say. They all look at me and Eddie and smiles all grow big on their faces. Especially.... Juciys..... and when I say that I mean his eyes and smile are like the 'all happy go jolly' pinkie pie from fucking 'my little pony' that decided to be murderous with the power of being so jolly. "So you guys swapped channels or something?" Mully asked. "Nah I won both of these and I gave my merch to Eddie and I kept Eddie's merch That I won." I say. Me and Eddie got ready, we got our mics on and waited to be called and I already know I was gonna be last to be called. Josh was called first, then Mully, Eddie, Juicy, Narrator then finally.. "We would like to welcome a special guest and a friend of ours, you may know her or you may not know her But welcome our friend Y/n!" Josh yells out, I stepped out of the curtains and the crowd roared with cheer. I wave to the whole crowd and sit down on the floor infront of Eddie who was on the couch. "So how is everyone today?" Mully says, and the crowd just screams with excitement. "Wow, holy fuck you guys are loud, But Oh well Juicy is too" I say. "Hey!" Juicy complains. I just snicker at my comment and his bickering. "Anyway we have some games but first we are gonna read your comments!" Eddie says. The crowd roars with noise, "ok I'll start us off-" Josh says as he gets cut off by the crowd yelling 'no let Y/n go first' or 'Lady's first'. So I chuckled and read my first comment, "who is your favorite out of the group of five, I'd say either Eddie or Juicy, because they both gave me self confidence to even continue on with my career, but My choose is gonna be Eddie because not only has he helped my with my career and pushing me through when I was on my lowest, but he was there for me when I had my baddest days and made them brighter. But then he has also helped my come across my fears and I faced them like a Champ in the end and now here we are at PAX with you guys." I say. Eddie and the crowd Awe's at my and I backhanded Eddie shin in a jokingly manner.

It was Eddie's turn now since everyone said Josh could go last "who do I like out of this group, Well I don't like any of the boys but then if it's a girl I don't know who I like" Eddie said, and the boys knew who he liked but didn't say the name, and the way Eddie acts when he is around me is obvious to the Guys and me I'm a guy at mind but just a big gentle beast at heart. The 'read your comments' thing went on for a little while then we played never have I ever. We all held up all ten of our fingers and Eddie went first. "Never have I ever jumped off something for fun" he says, and I immediately put my finger down. "What did you jump off of?" Josh asked me with questions all around. "Your gonna say I'm phyco but I didn't just jump I backflipped off the tallest sky scraper." I said. "OK now that is phyco but also that turned you into a fucking badass!" Narrator said, then we all had a small laugh then juicy was up next, "Never have I ever done something so stupid but got away with it" and yet again I put my finger down. "Oh my God Y/n what did you do now" Josh said acting disappointed. "I actually murdered someone for a good reason though nothing bad, and I did it because this person actually wanted a fight from me and pushes me to my limit by actually holding a knife to Milo's throat and that's how he died, but he was a crazy phychopath from an asylum and cops where after him but I saved the city." I say casually and proud. "Every question we say Y/n just gets more badass by the second" Juciy says. "Never have I ever ran on the highway from a speeding car chasing you" Narrator said. I put my finger down, "What the Fuck Y/n" Eddie says why laughing, "this is like the third finger already dude" Juicy complains, making the crowd laugh.

This goes on for a while with different games until it all comes to an end with a snap of some rope above me and Eddie, but mostly above me. All the guys move cause I had to force them and then after everyone was out of the way I did a backflip without curling into a ball but arched my back to land on my hands. "What the fuck was that?" Josh asked. It was a heavy sand bag for the curtains, then just out of nowhere a knife comes straight at me in the face, so like my cat Luke reflects I grabbed the knife by the handle with the tip of the blade not even a centimeter away from my skull. And that's when I realized.....

We where ambushed

-Hello and thank you for making it this far I hope you all like this book because with you all reading this is like such a big thing for me so thank you all so much for all the reads love you all so much and Peace out-

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