A gift from Hell

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The boys just sit there in a bit of shock,  "I-I have no words but, thank you" Eddie tells me and Phionex. "It's no big deal Honestly, but when you all arrived I immediately felt a strong bond between all of you even though we all have secrets that we hide for reasons" I say. "Y'know what we can stay here a little longer, I'd say probably for another week?" Josh says. Eddie gets all happy and smiles, Phionex disappears so we all sit down on the couch facing the TV while Eddie is laying down, I'm Sitting on the same couch as Eddie while Josh, Narrator, and mully sit on the other couch and Juicy gets the beanbags with Jasper. I make 6 bowls of popcorn and we all watch a movie, and Eddie wanted to switch places cause he was laying down and I was sitting up so he couldn't really see the movie, so I sat behind his head and I let him lay his head on a pillow on my legs since I was sitting crisscrossed.

We were already half way through the movie and Eddie was passed out on my legs- Well my torso because I also layed down and I was dosing off stroking Eddie's hair, then I fell asleep. And imagery popped up in my head with Eddie holding onto me for his life and crying as I was laying there in his arms all bloody and limp like I was paralyzed with all the other guys even milo around me and Eddie in some battle ground built with mossy ruins like and temple, then I woke up in that same dream from before with the Blue and purple ombre sky with light purple fog across the shallow water. The stars and everything was just like that dream I had other than there was no star outlined anything from what I saw in the dream. I stood up and walked around for a bit not knowing what was going on but it was all completely off, I feel a different but very strong embrace closing in on me from behind. So I turned around and see the same demon from the demon again but it's embrace was strong but calm, so I stood infront of it and looked in the eyes showing no sign of fear. The demon Gave me a single nod and stepped aside to the right, and put it's and infront of a portal telling me to enter it. So I trusted it and walked in and it brought me into my house and into my living room where all the guys where passed out even me. "Questioning yourself why your here right now" It said. "Also that but, what and I doing here and who are you?" I said looking at him. "Your here because I brought you here with a gift, but not only a gift but to give you clues with the dream you had, and I'm a Gardian from hell to give you the give you deserve" he said calmly. "What are you here to tell me?" I asked. "I know you want to protect someone that you thing of treasure, and I'm here to tell you what that dream meant" he said.

"And the image I saw?" I asked. "Now that is something you need to figure out, now the dream you had was a dream of you finding your paradise, and those tentacles that took you away from your happy self that showed an island of something called a 'fake'. A fake is when it is not real and not true, I gave you the dream to lead you to the right way, The person you Treasure most is your paradise. And when I showed you and your sadistic self in a mirror was a test if you where able to control that side of yourself, and that test you passed. Now the Animal outlines in stars is a meaning can you name those meanings for me" The demon said.

"Dragon it stands for: protection. Jaguar stands for: Strength. Wolf stands for: Boldness. Cheetah stands for: Speed." I say "now What does a demon stand for" he says. "And a Demon stands for: Bravery." I say. Looking up at the demon. It nods and holds it's hand out with a white bright light forms in the palm of his opened hand, "This is your give that holds any two item's" he says. The white orb floats over to me gracefully and forms into a demons Battle knife. The rest of the orb hovers over my heart and enters my body, from the heart a white faded light goes over my body and turns my eyes fully white with electric bolts staticing out making me feel like a was being tazed by a tazer.

"Now you have the gift of basically a Halfa, your still part human and you function like one still but you are able to access your demon form only to protect and battle" he says and opens a portal next to him back to the actual world for me. "But what about the knife?" I asked. "The knife you must keep with you at all times no matter what, now go through this portal to re-enter your normal body before everyone wakes up" he says. I follow his order and I walk through the portal.

I woke up with Eddie still sleeping on me, so I began to stroke his hair and I noticed the rest of the guys where gone. I began to feel Eddie began to wake up just by his breathing and movement. "Mmmmmmm.... goodmorning..." Eddie said softly. I smile softly at his words, "Goodmorning sleepyhead" I say to him. Eddie sits up slowly so I could get up, I stand up and stretched a bit then grabbed me and Eddie a granola bar for a quick breakfast. I give Eddie his granola bar and sat down next to him, "Hey what's that in your hand?" Eddie Asks. I look down in my right hand and saw the knife I was given from that Gardian.

-Hey what's up guys I hope you like this book and I'm really curious what you think about this book if so next Chapter you all can comment what you think on this book!

But for right now! Peace Out✌-

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