Game On!

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⚠️warning hard-core Vilance and Possession⚠️

Eddie gets knocked to the the ground by a demon and another one jumps out infront of me, I knew that it was coming so I didn't flinch when he appeared. "Aaaahhhahahaaaaa" Eddie screams. I punch the demon infront of me then I do a front hand spring onto the other demons back that is over Eddie pinning him down, I land on the demons shoulders and I wrap my legs around it's neck and took both of my hands and started to rip the demons top jaw off. The demon stood up and tried to pry my off it's back, "Eddie come on!" Josh said. My adrenaline flew over me like a gaint wave, a smile grew on my face from ear to ear with crazed eyes, I finally ripped the bottom jaw off the demon, then I took my Throwing knife and stuck it far into the side of it's throat and turned it, until I got knocked off still holding my knife in my mouth, I did a back hand spring as I got knocked of the ripped jaw demons back by the other demon and landed on my one knee and one foot, I stood up and I ran at both demons with full force and slid underneath the one demon that had it's jaw and jumped backwards over the demon, I took my knife out of my mouth and arched my back in mid air over the demon and chucked the blade into the demons kneecap making it yelp I pain as I land  from doing my stunt. I run at the other demon with no jaw I jump on it legs first and wrapped my legs tightly around it's throat, I leaned back far enough to make it slouch a bit and swung myself around 360° and roughly leaned back flipping it on it's back making me jump high and arching my back making me do a back flip without curling into a ball. Once I was up right in the air I stiffened my feet together getting ready to jump on the demons torso.
And There I was on the dead demons torso with blood all over and blood flowing out of it's mouth with It's organs out of it's body and pushed out of it mouth.

(Eddie's POV)

I watched in horror how Y/n just saved my ass from two demons and injured them both and killed one.

What the fuck just happened?!

My whole body was tense because not only what I saw but I can feel her strong embrace it was calm not to long ago but now it's like through the roof. "Oh my God, oh my God, Oh my God, is everyone ok" Josh asked in a panicked tone. "Yeah but I don't think Y/n is..." Juicy said. I looked at him and said, " what do you mean she isn't ok?! She just saved us from dieing!" I whispered to juicy, "No Eddie I'm not calling her a monster or a phychopath, she only killed one of those fuckers look behind her, cause it's bout to be game on" Juicy said looking at the other demon yanking the knife out of it's knee cap and limping over to Y/n.

Oh Dear God

(Y/n POV)

I stood there smiling wildly looking at the dead demon without knowing what was gonna happen but as soon I turned my head, it took it's claws and cut my lip bad like in that weird dream I had, then it picked me up not giving me a chance to get up and Threw me to the wall back first making me black out for only 10 seconds, I heard Eddie yelp and screamed for help, that's when I opened my eyes with not even a second to think. My eyes where pitch black and my pupils flickered red thin dragon pupils, I got on my shaking hands helping me up with my eyes closed, blood was dripping from my mouth, finally I stood up straight and cracked my back then ran my fingers through my hair opening my full black red pupiled eyes looking at the demon smiling wickedly. "G̵͓ạ͝ṃ̛ę͈ ̼͏o̸̪n̵͈ ͔͏B̯̀i̴̙t̮͠c̨̟h̴̪!̧̻" I said in a glitched voice.

I ran at it with all my force and speed with my knife in my hand then chucked the blade into the demons throat, and as it wasn't looking I was able to take my battle knife I'd alway bring with me jumped on it's back and stabbed it multiple times in the back until it threw me off and into a wall, I glance up at it and smiled again. I get up and I jumped over it face first with my arms outwards then once I was a little behind it I retracted my claws on one hand and dug those claws into it's back and swung myself high up and above where I'm gonna make my move, I swing myself into midair upside-down spinning then did my back flip without curling up, once I was slightly up right I lifted my claws in the air, and as the demon looked up I dug my claws into it's throat under it's bottom jaw and drugged my claws all the way down to it's torso, then yanked it out, "Finally" I said then chuckled. I walked over to an injured Eddie and helped him up turning back to my normal self. "Y/n do you have something to tell us that you have been keeping from us?" Juicy said in somewhat a bit of a sad tone. "L-lets get home first" I said helping Eddie out of PAX and to the door. We all get home I unlock the door and sit Eddie down on the couch, I examin Eddie to see what was hurting him so badly I feel his left ankle and he flinched in pain. I get up to go get an Ice pack from the freezer and some bandage wraps, I wrap Eddie's ankle and give him the ice pack. "So now will you tell us what's going on" Josh asks. I take a deep breath, "let's start from the beginning, shall we? I was very young and I almost died to my own mother, but thanks to my Alter ego I was able to survive my death." I say. "Alter ego? What Alter ego??" Narrator asked. I looked to my right and gave Phionex the cue. Phionex turned visible and the guys where shocked. "Meet Phionex, Phionex the boys you already know Eddie" I say. "Yup" Eddie said focused on the ice pack and his ankle. "Why did you keep this from us?" Juicy asked a bit sad. "Because I didn't want to scared you guys off and make you guy's I was a monster or a freak" I said avoiding all eye contact from them. "Is there anything else that we need to know?" Mully asked. "Unless you wanna know something that Phionex knows about" I said. "Ok how did you even meet Y/n, Phionex?" Eddie asked, that was the one thing he didn't know about. "I was introduced to her when she was a newborn and once I first saw her we just clicked and I told myself I'd protect her with my life, so once she was holding onto that last bit of air she had I helped her and we where best buddy's ever since, and here we are now protecting you guys especially Eddie" Phionex said glancing at Eddie with a calm attitude. "Why though?" Eddie asked. "Her mother knows a lot about you and Y/n and we know that If she got ahold of your soul she could transform into you and act like you to lure Y/n into a trap to get to me meaning if she had ahold of my Y/n would die by the second" Phionex explained. "Y/n why did you protect all of us is my biggest concern" Narrator asked. "Because, you guys saved me and my career and now I wanna help but not only that but you have a Strong embrace but a very fragile heart. I'm cold hearted by my appearance but a Gentle Giant beast" I said.

-Hello my lovelys hope you liked this part and I'm already working on part 15 hope you like this book and I'll talk to you all in the next part Adios amigos!-

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