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"He did what?" Demilade asked as Jumoke sighed knowing her friend was find of letting her repeat herself.

Jumoke stayed silent as she typed on, on her laptop.

"Jeez, he is purposely sending mixed signals."Demilade eventually continued knowing Jumoke wouldn't repeat herself.

"Right?! Like, typical Joel, he hadn't changed a bit."Jumoke paused, staring towards the direction of her phone screen which was resting at the corner of her laptop.

Demilade insisted to be filled in via Video call.

"Yeah. I never like his playing attitude. It's just soo..." Demilade trailed off as Jumoke interrupted her.

"Shut up, you liked it. You liked how he was the heart throb of the squad." Jumoke told her drawing air quotes around the word heartthrob.

"Okay, True, but that is because Kunle was the funny one, you were the boring one and I was the one with a boyfriend" Demilade said with a corky smile.

Jumoke shook her head with a smile as she typed on.

"So.... What are you going to do now?" Demilade asked curiously as she wanted to know what was going through her friend's mind.

"I don't know. I feel so angry because I truly liked..."She started off..

"Like" Demilade corrected as Jumoke glared at her before finishing her sentence.

"...liked him and he wants to start some immature game with me. I don't even understand" Jumoke completed as she huffed out a sigh.

She hated the fact that their whole story was repeating itself again.

~ ~ ~

Jumoke took a turn as she sighted Joel at the end of the hallway.

Things were definitely awkward between them and she couldn't even think of what she could possibly say to him.

All she knew was that between the spark and the butterflies she felt while they kissed, it was definitely not one sided.

I mean, he kissed her first, right?!

But she didn't want to get her hopes up. Joel literally chased anything in skirts.

She huffed out a sigh before clinging unto her school bag and navigating her way to the library.

She definitely couldn't risk going to eat lunch because she wouldn't want to bump into Joel.

She walked into the library, which was almost empty. She had earlier heard the school staff had a meeting, so the library was unsupervised.

She noticed a few seniors scattered scantily in the library as she found her way to a seat beside the window.

Studying wasn't her thing but sight seeing definitely was.

She took off her bag and rested on the window pane as she let the cool breeze hit her face.

She couldn't help but think back to her little romantic moment with Joel as she smiled.

He had stolen her first kiss but she seemed to like this idea.

Could this be the beginning of a new phase in her life?!

Probably dating?!

"Hey" She heard a familiar voice as she widened her eyes and shot her head towards the direction of the voice.

Jumoke seemed motionless as she stared at Joel.

Joel stared at her in a random expression as he usually did.

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