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Doc: "She's suffering from a high fever; you will have to look after her till tonight."

Jin: "There's nothing to worry about, right doctor?" He asked anxiously. All of the brothers were present. Standing outside Y/N's room.

Doc: "No, there is nothing to worry about. She will be completely fine in three days. I have given her medicine."

Namjoon: "Thank you, doctor."

Jin: "Yoongi. See the doctor outside." Yoongi groaned in announcement. All of them were sober by now. Seeing Y/N lay unconscious on Jin's lap made them feel an unknown worry for her. Sure, they have felt worry for each other and for their friends and family, but for her, it's a new thing.

In just a span of three months, it was the second time she had lost her consciousness, and that was an alarming thing for her health.

Jin kept replaying her words: why was she crying, what was she trying to say, and why was she on the floor? All of it made him worry about her even more. He could see that girl was dealing with things none of them knew about when he saw her on the kitchen floor. The loneliness in her brown orbs scared him.

But if he asks about it, what if she doesn't tell him? What if asking her would hurt her in some way? So I kept quiet.

Namjoon, on the other hand, was worried sick for the little girl. He didn't know what had happened. Did one of his brothers say or do something to her again? But that's impossible; they were at the party. Than what could have gone wrong.

He was starting to feel guilty about keeping such a big secret from his brothers. The brothers he knew were dying inside for losing two most precious people from their lives.

But what could he do? He was bound by the promise he had made with Y/N.

Jimin didn't know what to do. He couldn't think of any way he could help her. So he kept quiet and stood in a corner.

Jungkook, Taehyung, and Yoongi could care less for the girl laying on the bed, burning with a high fever. For them, she was an unwanted person who was forced upon them. For them to accept. Which they weren't ready to do yet.

Hoseak knew half of his brother liked that girl and the other half hated her. He didn't know whose side he should take. He didn't want to hurt the younger twins and Yoongi by siding with his other brothers, but he also didn't want to cause harm to that girl.

He was confused, and because of this, he decided not to be a part of this division between his brothers.


My eyes opened, and the dim light didn't hurt me. But everything was blurry before my eyes. I looked to my left and saw Jimin sitting on the other side of the bed; his eyes were shut, but he was there for me. The fact made me feel a tad bit happy. But fatigue took over my body, and before I knew it, I was deep asleep.


The next time I woke up, I heard a voice speaking to me. At first I couldn't pin point who it was, but then I got to know it was Taehyung. I didn't open my eyes. But I heard each and every word of his.

Taehyung: "You know you're such a pain. Like, who gets sick so often? But why is it that every time I see you in pain, I feel like someone important to me is hurting? Like my sister's. But that's absurd, because you're not my sister's. Nope, you are nothing like my sister's. They would be happy, full of life, and strong. But you're the opposite of it. You're weak; you cannot stand up for yourself, and you're always sad and lonely.

So, just stop playing with me like this and get well quickly so I won't feel like this anymore. What am I doing talking with her? She probably is asleep." He sighed, shaking his head, not believing he was talking to someone who was sound asleep.

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