Chapter Twenty Eight: Make believe boyfriend

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Chapter twenty eight.

'You look so nervous,' Cade smirked at her. 'Relax I'm not about to jump on you.'

Blair ate the slight disappointment at his words and smiled at him, 'Good.'

'Do you have your pyjamas or need anything? I'm going straight to bed,' he said moving around his room picking up some things laying around the floor.

'They're in my room...' She trailed off suddenly. 'Oh shit I cant go in there! Jake and Hailey are having...' She trailed off and clamped her mouth shut.

'You can say it you know, you're not the little innocent madam anymore are you,' Cade grinned at her. 'Sex.' He enunciated the word carefully watching her reaction.

Blair blushed under his stare, 'Having alone time!'

He chuckled and threw her an old red shirt to wear to bed and Blair escaped into the bathroom to change. She knew he'd seen her body anyway but it still felt awkward.

When she crept back into his room the lights were off and she could see the outline of Cade in his bed with the blanket pulled over him. She walked with her hands out in front of her careful not to trip on anything, feeling around and eventually landing safely on his bed with a thump.

'You are so uncoordinated,' she heard him sigh.

Blair finally lay down opposite Cade in his bed and she was highly aware of him, the smell of his pillow and his cologne was strangely familiar and comforting. He was lying on his side, his head rested on the pillow watching her. Once Blair's eyes adjusted to the darkness she could see him too with the streetlights outside giving them just enough light.

'That movie was pretty funny hey,' she said softly.

'Er yeah,' he replied with a yawn.

'I had fun on our date.' She joked watching for his reaction.

He chuckled, 'It wasn't a date sweetheart.'

'I think it was,' she was teasing him now. Possibly due to the fact she was still intoxicated, but she honestly thought she could embarrass him. 'You knew it was a group date didn't you?'

'No I didn't, sorry to burst your bubble.'

She could hear the amusement in his voice and she smiled to herself.

'Go to sleep,' he whispered and she could feel his breath across his face.

'Do I get a good night kiss?' She was feeling cheeky now and was very happy to use his words against him.

He chuckled and turned over on his back, 'Oh aren't you funny. Ask me when you're sober and maybe I will...'

Blair's eyes widened as she watched his eyes shut carefully. Great, how was she supposed to just go to sleep now?


Blair moaned as she was awoken with a pounding headache and sunlight shining into her eyes. She stretched out in the large bed, feeling the crack in her back and neck bringing quick fleeting relief. She opened one eye and spotted a glass of water and sat up quickly chugging it down. She sat against the headboard pulling the covers to her waist and finally glancing down at the sleeping form of Cade next to her. He looked so peaceful sleeping, with his chest rising up and down slowly.

'Are you watching me while I sleep?'

Blair nearly dropped the glass of water she was so startled.

'Because that is so creepy...'

His eyes opened and he smiled sleepily at her.

'I was not,' Blair rolled her eyes at him. Gosh she was getting good at lying.

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