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* * E P I L O G U E * *

'I never even thought to try on my dress again, we bought them so long ago now I hope they still fit,' Hailey bit her lip in worry as she stared at her and Blair's formal ball gowns hanging up in her wardrobe.

'You haven't put on too much weight this year...' Blair squinted at her friend trying to contain her amusement as Hailey whacked her arm hard.

'Thanks, you bitch!'

Blair laughed loudly, 'Relax, you look amazing. If anything we've both lost weight after that hellish exam period.'

'I can't believe our final graduation ball is here,' Hailey collapsed onto her bed in excitement. 'It's almost making me forget about the fact I haven't had my Uni acceptance letters come yet. You're so lucky Blair you know exactly where you've been accepted, you have nothing to worry about. Your future is set and you've only got everything to look forward to...' She trailed off sounding a little sad. 'Why hasn't mine come yet?'

Blair sat down next to her best friend wrapping her arm around her in comfort, 'Don't worry about it Hails, Cade hasn't got his yet either. It doesn't mean anything, and it doesn't mean you didn't get accepted anywhere because you know how smart Cade is and he's in the same boat as you.'

Hailey smiled, 'You're right. As usual.'

'Now maybe you should focus on something more important like the fact our Grad Ball is next week, and we're the only girls in our year to not have a hair and make up appointment booked on the day.' Blair said with a grin, 'Clearly a more important and pressing issue.'

Hailey laughed, 'the sad thing is, you're totally right.'

'And you have a confirmed date,' Blair rolled her eyes. 'You're definitely doing better then me.'

'Blair,' Hailey laughed. 'You have a boyfriend now, I think it's kind of expected you guys are going together. That's probably why he hasn't asked you, he'd just assume he was taking you.'

'That would be Cade, wouldn't it,' Blair frowned. 'But what if he'd already asked someone ages ago? Let's face it usually people organize dates for these things months in advance! What if he's done that and too afraid to bring it up with me?'

Hailey laughed, 'Hardly, Cade isn't afraid of you and besides who would he invite?'

'I had Brady as my date up until a few months ago, it's possible,' Blair argued.

'Relax, why don't you just ask him? That would be the logical thing to do.'

Blair giggled, 'Logical? Me?'

'Come on, let's go and raid Mum's make up,' Hailey dragged her friend out of the room. 'Besides I think you have an even more pressing issue to deal with than your lack of date to the ball.'

Blair groaned, 'You're right!' Cade's mother would be arriving tomorrow from Switzerland.

Hailey laughed, 'I love my aunt and so will you! She's not bad at all. Definitely not as daunting as meeting your mother would have been.'

Blair had completely forgotten Cade's mother would arrive tomorrow for a two week holiday. She was beyond nervous, apparently Cade had never introduced a girlfriend to his mother before.

'Hey Blair? Can you come in here for a second?'

Blair paused and popped her head around Cade's bedroom door where he'd called out to her. 'What's up?'

'Come in here for a second.'

Blair sighed and called out to Hailey who'd already entered her parents' room, 'I'll catch up with you in a minute!' She opened his door wider and spotted Cade leaning casually against his desk.

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