Chapter Four - Taste of regret

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Chapter Four

All Blair could feel besides the dull ache in her head was a desperate need for water. Her mouth was so dry she couldn't feel her tongue, it opened and closed a few times before she opened her eyes weakly searching her surroundings for some liquid. Anything to take away the dryness in her mouth. To her surprise and confusion she couldn't see Hailey's familiar white antique bedside table. Instead a black sleek wooden table was in its place. Before she could start to rationalise where exactly she might be she spotted a fresh cold glass of water with condensation along the outside. She pounced on it quickly nearly downing the whole glass in one go.

'Thirsty little one aren't you.'

Blair didn't have to turn around to recognise the smug voice. Her whole body went cold as her headache increased as a slight feeling of nausea took over her body.

'Guess you did work up a sweat last night.'

Blair felt her whole face turn beet red as she faced him. Cade was leaning against his bedroom wall, wearing nothing but a small towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was dripping, still wet from an obvious shower and sporting a small knowing smile.

'I... w-we didn't...?'

She looked down at herself dressed in an unfamiliar tee shirt and vaguely wondered how she'd gotten into one of Cade's shirts.

'Relax sweetheart,' Cade chuckled. 'Nothing happened last night. Much to your annoyance, you're feisty when you're drunk.'

Blair sat up in the bed angered, 'Oh shut up! I can't really remember last night but I'm positive I wasn't acting like that.'

'If you can't remember, then you can't be positive.'

'I can actually, because I know what I'm like and some alcohol won't change that,' she bit back searching the room for her dress.

Cade bent down picking up the small black piece of material and lobbing it over to her in the bed. 'Relax Blair, you were too drunk last night to have sex.'

She blushed at his easy use of the word.

'Relax Cade, I wouldn't have sex with you if you were the last man on earth,' she growled at him after she slipped the dress on and climbed out of bed.

She stalked past the smirking Cade and peered out the door to make sure no one was around, when the coast looked clear she darted out into the hallway and across into Hailey's room. She was relieved to see Hailey wasn't inside and the bed hadn't been slept in. She thankfully climbed into the bed and sank into the blankets, wondering half heartedly if Hailey was okay wherever she was.

Then decided she was too hung over to care and fell back into a restless sleep.


A few hours later Blair was awoken to the sounds of scraping metal, and suddenly the window flew open and a bashful Hailey climbed through it still wearing her dress from last night, but also sporting a Woodside High Basketball jumper. Blair giggled at her best friend, there was no doubt where Hailey had spent the night.

'Did you have a good night Hails?' She asked sweetly, suddenly feeling a lot better after the long nap and glass of water.

'Oh B, I'm so sorry for bailing on you last night,' Hailey groaned as she threw off the jumper and shimmied out of her dress. 'How did you get home? Were you ok?'

'Um, yeah, fine,' Blair knew she sounded odd but hoped Hailey would put it down to being hung over. She wasn't sure exactly what happened last night, she definitely put down all the kissing to being severely drunk. But she knew she didn't want to tell Hailey about it all. Blair never kept secrets from her, but she knew it was a drunken mistake and would never happen again. No reason to worry Hailey or make her angry.

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