2| Bag Of Disaster

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Chapter 2: Bag Of Disaster

There Ashton sat, his leg resting on the thigh of the doctor who tightly wrapped compression wraps around his ankle.

"Is he going to be okay?" Jessica chimed with concern.

The doctor ignored her, handing Ashton a pack of Advil. "This should relieve the pain, it's just a simple sprain but I'd suggest you rest a lot and avoid putting a lot of weight on the leg."

"Thanks for the help doc," Alex said.

"I just got off a call with Ashton's dad," Justin said, "he'll be here any minute now."

"Cr*p," Ashton mumbled, leaning his head against the wall.

"The manager will also be here," Justin casually added.

The manager was coming?! Jessica and I both stared at eachother in panic. This had happened under our watch, we were both so screwed.

Screwer than a screwdriver.

Bam! In came our visibly worried manager, Mr Pipeson rushed into the gym in distress. "What happened here?"

"Apparently, there's a reason no one comes here," Alex said, glaring at the stationary bike.

You know, the one I was meant to check out... Big oops.

The manager turned to both of us, "girls... Explain!"

Once again, the entrance burst open and in walked a towering man, his dark suit hanging on his muscular build. The world renowned boxer was a spitting image of his son, just older and with more facial hairs.

"Son, are you okay, I came as soon as I got the call from Justin," Mr Malik said. "Can someone explain what the heck happened to my son."

Usually, I'd be glad that a figure like Jaxon Malik was in our fricking gym but now was not the time, his voice seemed to vibrate with so much anger and hostility, he could literally strangle someone right now.

"Dad, it's no big deal... It's barely a bruise," Ashton said but immediately contradicted himself with a wince when he tried to move the ankle.

"A bruise? You can barely walk, you had a big match this saturday."

"The bike was faulty, pedal broke off and I sprained an ankle, big deal, I can definitely make it for my match saturday," Ashton said like it was nothing.

"Ashton, I wouldn't advise you to fight in your condition," the doctor chimed.

"Wait a minute, did you say the bike was faulty?" Mr Pipeson turned to Jessica. "Ms Leanard, didn't I ask you to always ensure the equipment's were safe before every use?"

Jessica was beginning to sweat, the anxiousness in her voice as she spoke felt genuine. "It's Maddisons fault, she offered to do check up on the equipments," Jessica blurted.

Wait, I offered?

Everyones gaze turned to me, expecting a no doubt sensible explanation.

"Hi," I simply mumbled.

Okay, I panicked. What was I supposed to do? Tell them I didn't check the equipments because I'm such a lazy ass.

"That's it, this is ridiculous, I'm suing this entire school," Mr Malik fumed, dragging out his iPhone.

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