30| Limelight

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Chapter 30: Limelight.

I'd met Kelsie, she'd been the one to take me to the lounge, I'd been fed so much alcohol and they'd taken pictures, Veronica and she.

I froze with shock, the thought was sickening. I'd promised myself never to be like my dad and they'd done this to me. Why had I followed them? why was my vision blurry and memory hazy? Something was in that water I'd been served.

Mid sentence in Jessica's speech, I mumbled:

"They'd drugged me."

I turned to Jessica and the guilt was written all over her face.

"You knew about this?" I asked in disbelief but when she didn't answer, I clarified. "You knew they planned on drugging me and feeding me alcohol but you played along."

"I'm sorry," she mumbled through tears.

Rage coursed through me and I didn't know who to take it out on, she'd allowed them to do this dark and revolting thing just because she couldn't stand working with me? Because I was friends with Ashton.

"Why would you think that? Why would you do that to anyone?" I asked in a louder tone, my voice shaky.

"I– I'm sorry, I had a lot going on, my mom wa–"

"Don't even try using that as an excuse," I cut her off. "I'm sorry you had to go through all that but it doesn't give you the right to ruin anyones life."

I'd grown up in a shitty condition, my dad was a drunk and my mom was hopelessly devoted to him, it hurt seeing him argue and hit her everyday but even that didn't make me have some stupid vendetta against the cute girls.

"Maybe it's just too much to ask for good people in this world," I mumbled through gritted teeth.

Mr Pipeson walked in, an uninterested look in his face as always, he glared at the booth of us and simply said:

"End of the month salary, I need your account details."

I turned, picking my bag before glaring at him. "Nice timing, sir. I quit."

He gasped, like he couldn't believe the girl that had been begging for this job over a month ago was not quiting willingly.

"What about your salary?" He asked but I didn't reply, I just walked out the French door.

I couldn't imagine myself coming back to that place, it felt intoxicating, I couldn't imagine going back there everyday to meet Jessica, acting like nothing had happened between us.

The moment I left the gym, I made my way to the closest dumpster and spewed my entire gut, plopping down on the sidewalk as I cried.

I didn't care if anyone saw me or if anyone laughed, I just needed to let it all out, the pain was too much.

I picked up my phone and played the rhythmic voicemail of my dad to calm myself.

"She's my princess." His final words vibrated through the phone again. "I'm so proud of her."

Would you say that if you saw me now, dad.

I'd sat on the sidewalk, crying for about fifteen minutes before my phone came to life again.

Ashton- hey, we should meet up and talk... I have something to tell you.

My heart tightened just reading his message, how could knowing a single guy bring so much turmoil and trouble to my life? I was content with staying under the radar, being unknown. But now I was out in the limelight.

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