31| Donor

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Chapter 31: Donor

Humans are inherently flawed, they are selfish, egotistical and self pleasing. I should know, afterall, I'm human.

I'd made the decision to avoid Ashton, I'd put my own future and life ahead of him, I was selfish but I was also flawed.

There was no right decision, there was no shortcuts or nice way out. So I'd chosen the easier of the two options.

I'd managed to ignore all his texts and calls, I hadn't texted in over a week and I knew he already probably found out about my resignation from the gym.

I was just dreading a confrontation with him, Ashton was the kind of guy to attack his emotions head-on which was something I adored about him. I simply ran away from mine.

Which was why I was still lying to myself that I wasn't in love with Ashton Malik, that I didn't dream about him every single day.

I sighed as I stepped into my apartment, the warm scent of bacon welcoming me.

"Oh Maddie, how's everything going?" Angie asked as she served me some bacon.

I shrugged. "The month is almost over and my GPA looks quite good so I'll say everything's going fine."

She sat beside me, her eyes filled with concern. "I'm not talking about that... You're avoiding Ashton, we can all see it, Justin, Alex and I."

"What're you talking about, no I'm not," I played it off. "I'm just really busy, we've all been busy with mid semester exams and stuff."

Angie sighed, flicking her hair from her shoulder. "You're never too busy for someone you love, Maddie."

Her words left me sightly stunned, I knew she was right and I knew I was in love with Ashton but I couldn't disgrace my family.

"I just can't..." I mumbled.

"Can't what?"

I couldn't tell her about the deal with Joey, she was going to convince me to fight for what my heart yearned for, she was going to give me that little push that I needed to run into Ashton's arms and that feared me.

Angie notice I wasn't replying so she said: "you should probably talk things out with him. He's not ready to lose you but if things keep going this way, you just may lose what you've been looking for your while life."


I stood before the place it had all started, the same place he'd ever noticed me, where I'd sprained his ankle.

The gym held so much memories between Ashton and I, it was now currently my favourite place to be at the moment.

I pushed the French door open, finding Jessica on my seat, her makeup smugged and eyes red as she lazily stared into her phone.

"Sorry but we're closed," she said absentmindedly, without looking up at me.

"I was hoping we could talk." Once I spoke, Jessica looked up at me with anticipation, we hadn't spoken in nearly two weeks and I knew she was hurting, she needed someone now more than ever.

"I got you something." I dug into my bag and retrieved a pack of Oreos, stretching it out to her.

Fresh tears welled up in her eyes as she jumped out of the seat and pulled me into a hug, crying on my shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry," she mumbled.

"It's okay, I'm sorry too... I shouldn't have taken it out on you." And now, than had cost me my job.

"I love you, Maddie, you're so kind, thank you."

"Umm... Jessica, you're crushing the Oreos," I said.

Crushing Oreos is a grave sin punishable by law.

"Oh... Sorry." She pulled away, chuckling as she took the cookies from me.

"So, how's your mom?" I asked.

She nodded. "A generous donor paid for her chemotherapy... She's doing better."

"And your GPA... I could give you extra lessons of you want," I offered.

Jessica smiled as she took my hand in hers. "I'd love that."

There was a pause before she continued, "Maddie, thank you for everything. You're the best and I don't deserve to have worked with a person like you. I understand if you hate m–"

"No... I don't. Sure, I lashed out and made some unwise decisions but I truly see you as a friend, Jessica, you'll always be."

She nodded, her eyes filled with more tears as she said, "I just wanted to repay you back for everything. The donor for my mom's chemotherapy was here and he asked me to text him anytime you ever showed back in the gym."

I raised a brow. "Who was the donor?"

Justin rushed into the gym, Alex behind him as they pulled me into a fuzzy hug. I knew who the donor has to be.

My eyes darted to the door where Ashton leaned, arms crossed above his chest as he looked back at me.

"Hey Maddie."


I know this is a short chapter but the next one is the moment you guys have all been waiting for, Ashton opens up to Maddie, only question is, what would be her reaction?

Vote if you're excited to read that and let me know if you've enjoyed this book so far.

It's soon coming to an end in about 4 to 5 chapters left and I'm glad you guys have come along for the ride.

Till tomorrow

Ig: @thea_caylen

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